Chapter Three

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The first day of school for goddess was not fun, and I did not enjoy it in the slightest. I remember vividly though, everyone was looking at me. In the clothes Apollo had made me, and my hair was wavy down my back with a single half braid. My pale freckles sun tanned skin shined brighter than anyone else's and I walked with a skip in my step as I made my way across the yard.

I was stopped though by a group of children with their noses pointed up way too high to the sky that if it would of rained they probably would of drowned. The middle girl, assumingely the leader, began to speak. I however didn't listen to her and actually shoulder checked past her. With that I heard her yelling and calling me bad names to my back. I however didn't care and continued away, this later would get me in trouble.

In the building of high regard, I went into a room filled with other children talking and squabbling among themselves. I decided to simply sit down. As I did however, the girl from outside with her pack of mindless followers can in, she saw me and came straight up to my desk. I hadn't noticed her imagery until then. She had dirty blonde wavy hair to her shoulders, tan skin, and stunning blue eyes. None of which frightened me, whatever she claimed to be was just a claim, nothing more.

"You are in my seat you disrespectful plank." She said making eye contact with me while her followers, two girls and two boys, nodded.

"How unfortunate, would you like me to move to another identical chair in a room of many so you can have the win of a battle no one fought?" I answered her not breaking eye contact.

"You have no idea who you are messing with." She said narrowing her eye brows to me.

"Neither do you, but I don't want to make my dear mother upset by disfiguring a "peer" on my very first day, so if you would excuse me..." I said smiling while I stood up and moved across the room to another chair.

As I sat down in this new seat I saw our teacher walking in behind the last child.

"Hello, I am Mr. Aquarium, and I am your home room teacher for the year." He said nicely as he made his way in front of his desk. "So to begin I would like to get to know all of you, so when I say your name say here, stand up, and... say just who you are." He said with a gentle smile.

He began going down the list of names he held, there were many different creatures, including gods, temporary mermaids, fairies, cyclops, trolls, and wizards. When it had gotten to Apollo he smiled, he loved the school already.

"I am Apollo, son of Zeus and Leto, and the god of literature, music, and knowledge." He finished sitting back down.

"Son of Zeus?" Mr. Aquarium said tilting his head. "Do you know who Zeus is to me?" He asked with a smirk.

"No sir." Apollo said quickly.

"He is my younger brother. Hello my nephew, he had never told me I had such a smart nephew to meet. I am your uncle Poseidon." He finished with a smile.

"My honor uncle." Apollo also said finishing.

"Okay, so next, Artemis."

I stood like I was told to and looked around the room slightly, I was the one all of them were looking at.

"I am Artemis, twin if Apollo, daughter of Zeus and Leto and the goddess of the hunt, the forests, and... wild things!!" I finished with a flip over my desk and a bow towards the applause I then received.

"Thank you Artemis, I also didn't know I had such a beautiful young niece." My uncle said with a smile to me.

"Thank you uncle." I replied sitting back down.

As he continued down the list I realized the girl who had been mean to me earlier was looking at me with her mouth open. I tried to ignore it but it was on going. Finally as it got to her turn she shook her head and stood up.

"I am Athena, daughter of Zeus, and the goddess of wisdom and war."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2019 ⏰

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