Chapter 1

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"Li----zz.....L--izz.......Liz-z.....LIZZY!" that's all she heard before she blacked out. Lizz woke up in a bed she was unfamiliar with. The room had white walls and was dead silent until the door was opened. She looked at the door and saw a woman and a man, the woman was wearing a white long coat, and the man.... He looked familiar for some odd reason. He was wearing a red leather jacket on top of a black shirt and ripped jeans. He had red spiky hair and a white bandana around his head. The look in his eyes said he was worried, but the way he was standing said he was disappointed. Who was this man? (Yes kirishima, he is my little bean, and best boy. If you don't know who he is, picture at top). "
Hello Ms. Love, my name is Sasha Herrison. I am your doctor." The woman in the white coat said.
"Hello, may I get some water? My throat is burning." Lizz said. The doctor looked shocked. Did I say something wrong? Lizz thought.
"How, how are you speaking? That's impossible!" Impossible, nothing is impossible. At least not if you have the right mindset.
"May I get some water, that's all I'm asking for, please?" Lizz was so parched she could barely stand it.
"Oh, yes right away I'm terribly sorry ma'am," said Ms. Herrison. The doctor left the room and Lizz was left with the man.
"What were you thinking? You could have gone to jail Lizzy!" The man said, why does he look and sound so familiar? IM SO CONFUSED!!
"Im sorry, who are you?" Lizz was so confused at this point. She wasn't sure who this man was, for all she knew, he could have been some stranger she had never actually met before.
"Lizz, what do you mean, it's me, Alex... Are you okay?" The man named Alex asked worriedly. Alex....Alex....ALEXXX! WHERE ARE YOU? I NEED YOU!! "Hey! Lizz you good?" He asked again. Alex! Lizz shot up and hugged Alex as hard a she could afraid to let go.
"I'm sorry Alex! I'm so so sorry!" Lizz said crying into her ex/ best friend's chest. Even though they broke up, they are still as close as ever.
"Woah Lizz, did you dye your hair? It looks sick!" Alex exclaimed.
"Yeah, a while back when my my dad first died. I dyed it red to represent the blood shed and black for the darkness in my heart, you know me always having meanings to everything... But how've you been?" Lizz explains. She really did have a meaning for everything she did. "I haven't been the best, you've been out for a month, I was really worried about you, ya know? And you could have gotten in trouble, you stole from-" Alex was cut off by the door opening.
"Sorry that took so long, the machine wasn't working properly. Here you go sweetheart," Ms. Herrison said handing Lizz her water bottle.
"O my goodness thank you!! You're my savior!" Lizz exclaimed excited as she gulped down the water.
"Ms. Love, can you tell me what happened right before the crash?" Ms. Herrison asked.
"Uhm, I was getting gas, when someone sketchy kept staring at me... uhm, he eventually came up to me and asked if I was alone. When I said yes, he attacked me. I punched him in the face and he fell to the ground. I then, got into my care and sped away, little did I know, there was someone following me. So they sped up and hit the back of my car. And then I blacked out... I think." Lizz tried lying to the best of her abilities. The doctor wrote that all down and asked,
"Did you see the skechy person's face?"
"All I saw was a wide smile... a very wide smile. It looked in human."
"I see, okay, I'll let you two catch up, thank you for the information."
Lizz nodded as the doctor turned around and left the room.
"All the matters is that your okay... You are okay... right?" Alex asked almost as if he would start crying if she would say no.
"I'm fine okay, I'm perfectly fine. Look only a few scratches that weren't there before, okay," Lizz didn't want to see Alex cry.
"The doc said you can leave tomorrow, so you'll be staying with your aunt and uncle for a while. I know you hate them, but just do it... for me."
"Okay, okay, I'll go," Lizz really didn't like her aunt, nor her uncle, but if Alex said she has to, she will.
The next day
"Alright, you may leave."
"What don't I have to sign myself out or something like that?"
"No need, your uncle already did!"
I thought I was just going to walk. Now I have to be in a car with that perv!?

825 words.

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