Before We Start

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So, i've loved Harry Potter for quite some time now...well...a really long time...and one of my favorite characters is Draco Malfoy. And, I decided to start this book.

So, here's a few things you need to know:

#1: Requesting
Even though i'm bad at getting in requests, i'm still gonna let people send requests in. Below is what is required when requesting, if you don't know already:

Name~Please don't use your real name, for safety and private reasons. And, if you don't want a name in your request, just ask for it to be "Y/N." (Aka, reader insert)

Theme~Let me know what you want to happen in the OneShot.

Year~I'm pretty sure everyone knows what I mean by this, but still...what year at Hogwarts do you want the OneShot to be in.

Book or movie~Again, i'm sure everyone knows what it you want the OneShot based off the movie, or the book.

Smut or fluff~If you request it to be smutty, please dont have the year be when they're really young. Explained more down below.

Character~If you're requesting, and theres a certain look for your character, just let me know. Like, hair color, eye color, height, etc.

House~Again, everyone knows what it means...but just incase...Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw.

Foul Language~Do you want swearing in the request, if its not a smut, or do you want it fully innocent-ish.

Title~Please provide the request, a title for it. If you can't think of one, just let me know.

Tagged~Please let me know if you want to be tagged in your OneShot, or if you want to stay anonymous.

#2: Smut VS Years:
  If you make an request, and you want it to be smut, pretty please don't make it so that its when they're young. What I mean is that, I don't want to be writing a smut where two 12 year olds are having their smexy time.
  Its okay for me to write when they end up meeting each other at 12yrs,  and then have it lead up to when they're older, and then the smut.
  If my explaining is to complicated, and you don't understand when requesting, i'll try to explain it better when you ask.

#3: Where To Request:
  I BEG of you, please don't request on this part, or on my profile board thingie. Please send your requests to my message inbox-thingie. It's more organized, and easier, then having to find requests I haven't done on here. You know?

Anyway, I think thats it. I hope you all enjoy the book.

  For those underage, or that are disturbed by smut scenes, I will put warnings on the title of the OneShots, and at the beginning, just you don't "accidentally" end up reading it, and getting mad or something. I don't know...
  Also, the way how the OneShots will be numbered, are in Roman Numerals, but they will have the normal number next to it, just incase.

Draco Malfoy x Reader Smutty OneShots (REQUESTS ARE CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now