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Prologue: Attacked

Your PoV
It was a normal day in Winkelman. Winkelman was a small town with exactly 353 people living in it. There was a primary/intermediate school and high school along with a small college. We had two grocery stores, a small convenience store, a library, two gas stations, a drug store, a diner, two restaurants, a froyo shop, a fire station, a police station, a bank, a medium sized clinic, a few bars, the town hall, some small businesses, and houses for everyone. (I don't believe this is actually true just... pretend!)

Everyone knew each other and was rather nice to each other. There were a few drunk idiots who fought but other than that it was a rather nice community. I was walking with my best friend Liam Hole and his sister Lily. We were heading to the froyo shop since Liam offered to pay for it. He didn't have student debt because of that brain of his. He had a scholarship to the college.

"So Y/n how're your classes going?" Liam asked and I sighed.

"They're okay... but I may need you to tutor me a bit," I muttered and he chuckled but nodded.

"Sorry kiddos, we're closing shop early today! You should head back to your homes!" Mr. Sulfur said.

"Huh? Why?" Liam asked and Mr. Sulfur smiled nervously and left. We shrugged before heading back to our house.

"Class today was so boring!" Lily said she was starting drama up so early. I went to start a few of my assignments before we all heard a few explosions causing us to look out the window. Screams of fear filled the streets as everyone tried to get into their respected homes. What the hell is going on!? I thought.

"Everyone come out and stand in a line! We have some... rules to go through," A feminine voice said. Liam threw hoodies towards me and Lily and we quickly put them on. We made sure to hide our faces with the hoods and followed directions. "I am Ashe, the leader of the Deadlock Rebels and this town is now under our control... got it?" Ashe smirked. She had a gun in her hand and a giant omnic behind her.

"Tell 'em Ashe!" One of the men laughed. Ashe silenced him and looked at us all.

"1. You will all be giving us 25% of your paycheck, 2. You will follow our rules or we'll just kill you, 3. The police are no longer in control, we are! Understood?" Ashe asked and everyone nodded. "Good," Ashe snickered.

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