Sooner or Later You're Gonna Be Mine - Chapter 2

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The spotlight was always to bright, the place always reeked or blood and booze and the applause was laced and lewd comments another body. She was to weak for this city. She knew, but thankfully none of these cruel people knew it. Her dad told her that if you show nay weakness to people like mobsters and criminals they would eat you alive. She had no doubt he had been correct.


You finished your song having most of the fun clapping for you and wooing you with a few whistles here and there until your eyes landed on that particular large monster clapping along and keeping eye contact till he took another puff of his cigar and Don whispering him something while still keeping eye contact making you gulp in nervousness, "Such a lovely crowd her tonight. I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank Mr. Dee for honoring me with his presence- and tolerating my cat-screeching I like to cal singing." The crowd laughed along with my joke and everyone stated clapping for Don as he raised his hand in a gesture saying thank you.

Forcing back the vomit and physically battling with herself to keep her smile on her face, (y/n) blew a kiss directly at the old man who had killed so many people whether they were guilty, innocent. Whether they were a part of his gang or an innocent bystander.

As I finished singing I said my thank you's and the curtains closed behind me letting me be able to breath and walk down the stage stairs and earning lots of complements from a few musicians and singers tipping their hats or talking. I smiled walking into the bathroom running my hands through my hair and opening the broken bathroom room and changing into my after work clothes. Still some good guys out there. I though to myself. I sighed looking in the mirror.
Too much makeup. Don't get it wrong, she didn't mind some makeup every once in awhile, but the rouge on her cheeks was to bright. Her blue eyeshadow was so heavy, and her red lipstick was to much. But that's what club owners always wanted. That's the men in her audience want.

I turn on the bathroom faucet washing my face and trying to get some of the makeup off with some hand soap and warm water with it dripping down her face and turned off the water.


I turned towards the door


There he was.

The monster.

I took a step back only to hear him take a deep breath and make a low grunt as he started walking towards me. No...Please.

There was only one reason why a straight man would enter the woman's bathroom and (y/n) learned what it was when she first started singing.
The men who would attack was big too.
He grabbed her and shoved her up against the stalls doors.  And would have been so much more if it hadn't been for a lady who needed to use the bathroom at the moment.
Security was called and the man was "removed". As in beaten and almost killed "removed".  (y/n) opened her mouth to scream for help but the music from the jazz band blasted through the door, letting (y/n) know that her chance for calling for help and actually having someone hear her-


She didn't know what she was gonna say to try and talk him out of the thing he was going to do to her. And through her mind numbing fear she actually took a second to wonder how a skeleton could do something like that. But she wasn't curious enough to find out, "Look, mister, I don't want any trouble-" I stopped seeing him reach his hand into his coat. I was wrong, He isn't gonna rape me. He's gonna kill me!
He swiftly pulled his hand out making me almost gasp in fear to notice it was a cigar he pulled from his coat making him laughing, "Don't like smokers, Dollface? I understand, it's a nasty habit." As he tucked it back into his pocket, "Sorry 'bout that entering the no-mans land that is the ladies room. But I just wanted to solve our little problem we were having back there." His eye sockets gone dark and he looked down at me with a menacing smile on his face.

They didn't have a problem. (y/n) never did anything to him so there couldn't be a problem, "Ya see Dollface, I noticed you starin' at me." I blush taking notice back to how we made eye contact before I started the show.

So that's why he's doing this.

He must've been insulted that she had been staring at him.

And of course he was mad and wanted to confront her about her rude behavior.

-Even if his way of confronting her was downright terrifying.

At least he wasn't being violent...Yet.

(y/n) didn't know much about him except he was a monster who was sitting with the Don and only people who were like the Don sat with the Don. 

He couldn't be good news.

However, she knew she couldn't afford to insult him again, so she took a deep breath, and offered her best smile.

She hoped with ever fiber of her being that she could talk to him calmly to a point where she wouldn't get hurt, "Listen I'm really sorry about star-" "Course I was starin' first. And I like what I see." The fear of being raped resurfaced in (y/n) mind. She looked past him towards the door. He looked big and slow. Maybe she could run past him...Maybe...
"So tell me Dollface. Do you like what you see?" The question was not something (y/n) had been expecting— and instantly her mind gave her every reason why she didn't like what she saw. He was clearly some kind of big-shot criminal who had no problem hanging out with murderers. He flaunted his wealth. He smelled like gun smoke and blood. So when (y/n) opened her mouth, only one word left her lips. And she really didn't mean to say it. She really didn't mean to. She wasn't stupid, but it slipped out.


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