Chapter 2

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"Don't worry you are safe now," that voice i know that voice. But where do I know it from," you should sleep. We have a long journey ahead of us." The next thing i know is we shot through wind and i lost memory after that.

I am on something soft, this must be a bed. I hear birds but I haven't heard birds in years they flocked away after my brothers birth. He has never heard a bird and i have never seen one. The sound is so calming and peaceful. I wish i could hear more of it back at home.

I listened more to my surroundings when i smelt it. The scent of another. I have never felt so strong or heard so much before. It was freaky. I opened my eyes and saw a white blanket over a stick. A tepee i was in a tepee. I could see the threading so clearly i felt so strong and i could smell so far. It can't be. The legends were just fable stories. I can't be one of them.

Just then I heard footsteps. Moving all around the teepee. They were light and fast. Like they were stalking something......stalking something.... they were stalking me. I had to get out. But how? I'm trapped. The footsteps got closer and closer. Until they stopped right in front of the exit.

I saw a large shadow looming over the teepee. I knew, i knew i was dead the second that shadow walked in here. I tried looking for another exit but it was too late. The hand loomed into the teepee followed by the rest of the shadow. I almost screamed if it wasn't for the gag in my mouth. I tried to spit it out but it was tied on really tight.

"Oh don't be a big baby about this, after all i did save your life."

This shadow had long moon silver hair and bright galaxy eyes. It is tall and tanned, beautiful chest and a scar dow her left eye. She was wearing leathers I don't recognise. They were clearly made in another continent.

I tried saying that she has the wrong guy but I was gagged. She rolled her dazzling eyes and walked out. I heard her say something about insuffreble men. I was actually offended by that. I tried taking the gag out my mouth but I was too busy panicking earlier to noticed I was tied to a pole in the teepee. Who is this woman and what the hell is going on.

I tried to untie myself. Using the training Butch taught me was harder in real life then in training. I most probebly had a very small ammount of time before she came back, but these ties are unbreakable. I feel like I was tightening the rope instead of loosening it. When I turned I saw that there was a knife a few metres away from my pole. If I turn I could manage to get out. And I could escape.

The teepee is very wobbly, how am I gonna stand with out this tent falling? I lifted my arms bit bye bit, at some point I made it into a crouching position so I started to turn.i made it halfway when I saw the knife. I turned faster and fell back on my ass. The knife was farthur than I anticipated. Its small but sharp it will help.

I put my leg out but couldn't reach it. I went as low to the ground as I coud and just reach it but couldn't move it, I had to take my shoe off. This will take time out of my escape. Ok I'll figure it out when I get there.i moved my foot back to me and bit my shoe laces loose, this was so hard with the gag in my mouth. It was the worst taste in the world but I managed. I grabbed the knife and pulled it to me. I felt a sharp pain in my foot but ignored it because I didn't have time.i put the knife in my mouth and struggled for a while to get it into my hand but managed in the end. I cut and cut and cut until I cut through. I stood up and hit my head on the top of the tent. I forgot how tall they were. I ran out until I tripped over my own feet.

"You know thirty minutes is really a bad time of trying to escape." No that voice, it was a trap. Feet thudded down on the ground. They grew closer and closer, I was too afraid to move. I kept my face on the floor and my hands move to my waist. I knew I was doomed. "What do you want from me."

"I don't want anything from you I want something from my friend. She cared for you for the past week you know."

"What do you mean week?" Have I really been asleep for a week. What happened to me? Why am I here?

"Well princy you were attacked and my friend was in the area hunting for the thing that attacked you so she saved you." She said with such irritation its almost as if she is jealous.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?"

"Do you not have ears? I told you I don't want anything from you, you are my bargaining chip." She is so snobby,

"Look who are you and why am a bargaining chip? Do you even know who I am?" I started to sit up, but she pushed me back down.

"Look princy I don't care who you are but over here you mean nothing."

"Where am I, I want to know."

"You are far away from home." Another voice interupted her before she could say something she isnt allowed to, that voice though I know that voice but from where?

"Young one look at me when I am speaking, Skalia stop sitting on him let him stand." It was a young but wise voice, a person with this voice should be feared by all, if I am correct the voice in the stories is Antania. The one she called Skalia finally stood up and I could finally breath, as I was getting up she kicked me down again and whispered in my ear "if you think of running remember you don't know these woods or whats in it and I do."

That scared me, I have no chance of escaping. No chance of seeing Luke again. The look must have shown on my face because the one I think is Antania said "look I know you are upset about not seeing Luke again but look on the bright side you are finally home," she said home with such passion as if I belong here.

"Look princy Antania is saying you are one of us and that you were never a human, Antania is he the chosen one that has come to save us all or is he just another one that got kicked out for being unwanted?"

"Hey Skalia I don't know what your problem with me is but I'm a human and I don't belong with you guys, apologise wise Antania but I am just a human that got kidnapped by you Inlustris's and was injured and lied to by the idol from my childhood. So apoligies if I wanna escape and go to my actual home." I gritted through my teeth. I think I was to harsh because those star blue eyes of Antania flashed hurt and understanding but was gone in a heartbeat.

I got up and started walking away when I realized that Skalia was right I don't know what lurks in these woods. Just as I turned round I saw that they disapeared. Im panicking now because the creatures in forests are brutal, just the thought of meeting one of them is giving me chills. I started walking back when I remembered I have super scent. Alright go to the tent and smell for arrogant ass, that will not be easy since she is such a large idiot but such a tiny ass it will take time. Alright stay away from everything that makes a sound so I don't draw attention to myself.

The forest was so quiet it was deafening to hear. The birds are whispering as if they don't want to get caught, I stepped over a large log before it happened. A growl that rang deep beneath my bones came from behind me. I turned so slowley trying not to make any sudden moves. Just as I saw it in the side of my eye it jumped.

Hey author Skully here thanks for reading and pls remember to follow and vote thx

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