Beggars can't be choosers.

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So many
Stalls and banners. So many
Colours and voices and smiles. So many
Fish in the sea. So many
Clouds in the sky and
Delirious humans on the ground,
Sipping, devouring, lavishing, bathing
In the champagne sea. A flavour of pulling
The strings of ecstasy.
So many
So many

amidst the chaos, the withered man lies
against the concrete floor
stained with the droppings of flies. breath
i n.
o u t.
his breathing was shallow, the metal bowl
empty and glimmering under the
malicious daylight.

he watched
the jubilant humans walk on the seventh heaven,
dance in void decks under safe havens,
seize hawker centre dumplings
with feelings,
rapture bursting
from inside the mouth.
he let his veins entangle with the rivers of melancholy
so much, he fell into a drunken state
rivulets of despondency spilled from his eyes.
he let his heart be washed over by a tide of despair
and regret.

switched his gaze.
he looked at the decimated soul beside him—
crumbling flesh, shards of dusty bones peeking out.
in front of it
was the wooden bowl
once brimming with the gold and joy
of the man.
his spirit, desiccated once again.
his throat started to shrivel once again.
his euphoria, gnawed and gnawed and gnawed at
by a pathetic soul
never came back again when his bucket
was kicked.

"mercy for me,
"mercy, please—"

he watched the fantastic scene of life unfold before him again
like a stage too far to just climb up.


i wrote this poem for a school assignment hehe :p we all had to write something about our neighbourhood so yea :3

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