chapter 2 "a good old Red team welcome!"

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[location/time change/POV]



"Rage quitting"

'*Internal screaming*'

*sound effects*



it had been a few hours after sunrise, Vortice stood on a grassy stone spire. he could see a small island nearby the cliffs surrounding the canyon and he could hear a trio of waterfalls roar into the sea, his wings were out as the sun shone on a partly cloudy day.

 he could see a small island nearby the cliffs surrounding the canyon and he could hear a trio of waterfalls roar into the sea, his wings were out as the sun shone on a partly cloudy day

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Vortice: ah....this is JUST what the doctor ordered....

Tsuki: *from in the water* HEY! VORTICE!

Vortice: not a care in the world, just me, the sun and absolute

Tsuki: YO! MIDGET!

Vortice: *growls* rage. *looks at her* WHAT DID YOU CALL ME BLUBBER BUTT?!


*Vortice lets out a huge burst of fire just missing the water*

Tsuki: NICE TRY!

Vortice: STEP OFF!

Tsuki: you'll have to catch me first!

Vortice: FINE! *rockets for the water*

Tsuki: and-*instantly sinks into the water before he could get to her*

Vortice: DAMN! *watches her swim back to the canyon* not if i get there first! *rockets for the canyon*

[later in the canyon]

Takkā: you WHAT!?

Tsuki: yeah! he would fit so well with us!

Tanaka: yeah...i mean it WOULD be better then being renamed the "T" team.

*Vortice comes crashing down*

Vortice: now to c-*sees Tsuki* bu-HOW!?

Tsuki: water dragoness.

Vortice: damn.

[rocky outcropping]

earth dragon: what are they saying?

fire dragoness: what?

earth dragon: i said "what are they saying"?

fire dragoness: god DAMN! i am getting so SICK of you ASKING that!

earth dragon: hey screw you, you have better sight! i'm not going to sit around and play with my dick all day!

[back with the reds]

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