Chapter 2

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Hi, my name is hope and I tried to do something so drastic yesterday I tried to hang myself but then a voice came and told me not to and I didn’t so if it wasn’t for that voice I would be dead. I was sitting in class just doing my work when “the voice” came back and this is what he said “Hi hope I am a
fallen angel from heaven and my name is Azrael and I was sent here to protect you” I sat there and smiled I knew his name, he was the one that saved me, does he know my name? He then started to talk again “I can read your thoughts and how I know your name is that I was a good friend of your moms but go do your work now” then he left. I continued on with my day at school and Azrael didn’t bother me is anyone of my classes or in the hallways I mean he might have things to do being a fallen angel and all. He seemed so sweet but he can’t just talk to me all day he probably would if he didn’t have things to do. School was out and I was walking home to go do my homework while i was walking Azrael came out of nowhere and started talking “hey Hope” I jumped “hey Azrael” I said as my heart is beating out my
chest “Hope you may have not known me for long but u can’t go home there is a great danger there and if you do you will be gone for good” I stopped in my tracks and just stood there and then I did what any other kid would ask “why, why can’t I go home Azrael”?, I started to shake just thinking why
couldn’t i go home “the reason you can’t go home Hope is because there are people that don’t want you to be alive they wanted you to kill yourself but because I came they want you more dead than they were before they hate you but I can’t tell you the reason why not yet right now you need to get as far away as possible from your house” I just stood there just standing, then I ran I ran as fast as I could. I didn’t know where I was going but I was going somewhere then Azrael told me where to go he gave me directions “Hope i
will lead you somewhere safe just follow my directions. Left, left, right, left, right, right” I listened to his directions and I ended up somewhere in the woods a old abandoned messed up house which looked like trash. Azrael came back “Hope stay there ok” I sat there for a while then I see someone come
out that old abandoned house and i didn’t know who it was I was scared I jumped up and ran behind a tree to hide.

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