Akaashi Keiji (Haikyuu!!) X Shorter! Male! Reader (Lemon-ish)

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Requested by AkuGoddess

[A/n: I guess Monday's are just going to be posted at late hours, wow did this day got ahead of me again. Sorry about that. Also, this kind of goes along with Kuroo's chapter. But now Daichi's brother is having boy problems. Enjoy!]

(Y/n) knew the second his crush of two years sat beside him on the bench in tight white short shorts that hid about as much as a transparent pair of boxers were expected to, he was fucked.

(Y/n) fell in love with the excellent setter of Fukurōdani Academy, Akaashi Keiji, the day that they met. It was a cold day in the semester that (Y/n) transferred on, the pedals on the cherry blossom trees were just starting to fall and everyone was dreading snow to start. (Y/n) and Akaashi met eyes and after that, (Y/n) had developed what he told his brother was a "concerning crush".

[~2 years ago~]

"(Y/n) it's not concerning at all" (Y/n)'s brother told him over lunch

"It is too!! Daichi, I have no chance with him at all! I don't even know his name or anything about him and I already know he's out of my league!"

"Talk to Suga's brother," Daichi laughed as he placed his water glass down and called over the waitress for a refill

"No! Fucking the sex god of Nekoma is a little different than what I'm going through." (Y/n) knew well of who Suga's brother was and the vivid pictures he showed of the well endowed Captain of Nekoma. To say he was jealous would be a lie.

"Come on, (Y/n), it's not that different. You both are out of the league of the guys you want, it's normal."

"Other way around, have you seen Tetsuro? I mean, come on. Talk about spank-bank material!" (Y/n) argued

"So, fight Suga's brother for him. There, end of story."

(Y/n) picked up his fork and began playing with it between his fingers while he waited for his appetite to come back after Daichi accidentally left his phone on speaker and played a LOUD video of Suga doing... well... things. "Why does this always happen to me?"

"What?" Daichi sighed, thanking the waitress who showed up and filled the duo's drinks, "You falling in love with an impossible man the first day of school?" He chuckled "It's happened too many times. You love too easy, dude."

"Well, you got that right cause somehow I still love you."



It's been a slow process for (Y/n) to be able to even be in the same vicinity of Akaashi without berating him with questions, and if he did he let everyone just write it off as the new kid being interested in Volleyball. To keep his cover, the next month (Y/n) joined the team as a bench warmer, basically. (Y/n) had Daichi and Suga re-educate him, even thought he knew most of the spikes and serves names but he just wanted to know actual things to impress Akaashi.

But the minx didn't seem to care about that. The instant (Y/n) was on the team Akaashi was bending over, wearing shirts that showed too much or big enough to be considered a boyfriend shirt, or shorts that were WAY too short. Hello, boner. (Y/n) felt like he was in heaven and hell all at the same time. The only person he could turn to was Suga, because (Y/n) would rather die than talk to Daichi about asking someone out. He loved complaining, but intimate talks with his bother have always been off the table.

Male! Character X Male! Reader One-shots (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now