Prologue: Stay With Me

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I've had really bad writer's block for the past couple of weeks. I decided to start this because I've had the idea for a while. I will try to finish 10 Weeks at some point but I'm working on this for now. The prologue takes place right after the SWDOI show. Hope y'all guys like it (even though writer's block makes it really hard to write anything mildly good) and sorry for not writing anything lately.

"Oh, won't you stay with me? 'Cause you're all I need." - Sam Smith, Stay With Me

The show went off without a hitch; the skating was spectacular and the audience loved it. They found themselves signing autographs and taking pictures with Charlie and Sharna, despite Maks's attempts to bypass the crowd. Meryl kept catching herself glancing at him, admiring him. He's going to leave tomorrow, a nagging voice in the back of her head reminded her. The idea filled her with sadness which she pushed aside, determined to enjoy his company while he was still there.


Finally, the last fans disappeared. He was on her in a second, kissing her hungrily as she responded with equal passion.

"Meryl," it was half a moan, half a whisper. She said nothing, just kissed him harder, running her fingers through his gelled hair and wrapping her legs around his waist. His hands instinctively reached beneath her dress...

"Ah-hem," Sharna coughed exaggeratedly. They broke apart, embarrassed. "Not here?" she gestured encompassingly around them as she spoke.

Meryl nodded, her face a shameful mask of scarlet. "Sorry," she murmured. She was suddenly very conscious of the fact that Maks's hand was still resting on her ass.

"We'll help them clean up. Just go," Charlie chimed in.

"Thanks Charles," the relief was evident on his face.

"Thank you," Meryl added, giving both her ice dancing partner and his dancing accomplice a quick hug.

"Don't thank us, just go!" Sharna almost screamed.

They didn't need any more prompting. Meryl grabbed her skating bag (which also contained Maks's stuff) and the couple practically ran out to her car.

"I hope they make it home," Charlie teased once they were out of earshot, earning a playful slap from Sharna.


The pestering voice was back as she drove. You won't get to see him for a month, it reminded her. She gritted her teeth, focusing on the road and the warmth of his hand on her thigh.

"Are you okay, Mer-bear?" he asked, feeling her leg tense.

"Fine," she lied.

She drove the rest of the way in silence.


"Dinner first?" Maks asked, helping her out of the car. She nodded in affirmation, taking his hand.

Once inside, he ran to the kitchen and immediately began rummaging through her cupboards and refrigerator. Turning around, he noticed that Meryl had followed him and was watching curiously.

"Out," he commanded, pointing to the door.

"But, Maksie..." she protested, pouting.

"It's a surprise," he persisted and held up a hand, warning her not to argue. "And remember what happened last time..."

She nodded reluctantly, pressing a light kiss on his cheek - just a bit too close to his mouth - and made her way into her room, feet dragging the whole way.

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