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After a very filling lunch made by Japan and Italy, with Germany cleaning along the way, the Axis trio sat outside, being immersed in the sun's rays.

"Italy-kun," Japan started.

"Sì, K-er-Japan?" Italy corrected himself quickly.

"Well, Germany-san told me about your...actions, yesterday." Japan paused.

Italy didn't look either of them in the eye, mostly Germany, since he looked almost exactly like Holy Rome. "Yes?"

"Well," Japan paused again, "He told me about a phone call he made when no one could get ahold of you."

"I wasn't thinking," Italy replied, "I was caught up in the haste of it. Mi scusi."

Japan waved the apology off, "It's alright, but did you talk to Hungary-san and Austria-san about it?"

"Sì-er-kind of." Italy thought about it for a moment, "I did, but didn't really say much about it. If that's what you're talking about." Japan looked over at Germany who, in turn, frowned.

"Well, Italy," Germany said, "What was that phone call about?"

Italy looked off in the distance for a second before responding, "Well I found someone I thought I lost forever." Germany and Japan looked at each other, confused.

"What are you-?" Germany started.

"I think he should just stay lost." Italy made a disgusted face, trying not to let his tears fall. Japan showed shock for a minute while Germany's jaw dropped.

"Why?" Japan asked. He and Germany had never seen Italy make a face like that and were both trying to suppress their distress.

"He's a monster," Italy huffed, "A terrible person, I wish would die again."

"Again?" Germany's face scrunched up in confusion.

"He was always presumed dead since the 1800s," Italy explained, not looking either of them in the eyes. Japan looked over at Germany, who, in turn, looked Japan's way. They shared a look of uneasiness and Japan asked him who this person was. "Well," Italy started, "He was...he was a past lover of mine." Germany's jaw dropped as he remembered what Italy said to him on La Festa di San Valentino.

"Past lover?" Japan inquired.

Italy nodded, "A past lover. He's-he's not important anymore," Japan sighed and looked at Germany once again.

Germany sighed this time, "Who is he exactly and why has he suddenly come back from the dead?"

"I don't know how he came back," Italy murmured, "All I know is that he's supposed to be gone."

"But who is he, Italy-kun?" Japan asked slowly. Italy looked at Japan with a pained expression and changed the subject quickly.

"So, do you guys know when the next meeting is?" Italy questioned.

"If you were listening at the last meeting, I told everybody else that the next one is in a few weeks," Germany told him, letting him change the subject. Italy nodded steadily, thinking about the next few days in that period. Maybe he could destroy the mansion. It would raise a few eyebrows, but he could deal with it. No one would ever think someone as innocent as him would do it.

"Italy-kun?" Japan tried to lock eyes with him.

Italy looked away again, "Sì?"

"Well, what are you going to be doing in that time?" Japan enquired. Italy looked over at him, suspicious.

"I don't know, maybe I'll be hanging out with Germany!" Italy smiled brightly. Germany smiled but then faltered at the sudden mood swing from Italy. He looked over at Japan, who had just expressed a small smile.

"Alright, I'll look forward to it," Germany told him, standing up. Italy and Japan stood up with him and they all walked back to Japan's house. They bid their farewells at the door and Germany and Italy left for their own houses. When Germany arrived back at his and Prussia's place, he sat down on the couch in failure. Who was this past lover of Italy and where did he go after the last world meeting?

"West!" The Prussian yelled, "How's Ita doing?"

Germany sighed, "He's fine." Prussia looked at him weirdly and walked over to him.

"Fine?" Prussia scrunched up his face, "But, Ita's always cheerful, not just fine."

Germany rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean, bruder."

"Kesesesese!" Prussia laughed, "Well, how did your lunch date go?"

"It was good." Germany told him, "Italy and Japan cooked, but Italy was acting a little weird. He had a far-off look in his eyes and talked about some past lover. He said that the lover was a monster that needed to stay dead."

The Prussian suddenly stopped mid-laugh, "Past...lover?" Prussia repeated.

"Uh, ja?" Germany said, "Japan and I were surprised when he told us."

"Needed...to stay dead?" Prussia repeated.

"Ja? Is something wrong?" Germany asked his bruder.

Prussia muttered something under his breath and brought out his phone, calling someone.

"Bruder?" Germany asked Prussia with a confused look on his face. Prussia muttered under his breath while he dialed the almost forgotten number.

"What do you want, Prussia?" Hungary's voice sounded annoyed through the phone.

"Hey, Hungary!" Prussia chuckled at the sternness of her voice, "I just wanted to ask you a question or two."

Hungary sighed, "And what is that Prussia?"

"Well, did Ita have any past lovers or anything while he was with you and the young master?" Prussia spit out. Hungary blinked on the other side of the phone but then her face changed from confused to realization, fast.

"H-how..." Hungary stuttered, "Yes, he-well, kind of."

"'Kind of'?" Prussia repeated, rubbing the back of his neck.

Hungary sighed and said quickly, "Do you remember the Holy Roman Empire?"

Prussia stopped, "Ja...what about him?"

"Well, he thought Italy was a girl and they fell in love a long time ago, while Italy was staying with us," Hungary said softly, almost not heard through the phone. Prussia's eyes widened and his shoulders sagged.

"Oh," He responded. Hungary just nodded before saying her goodbyes, "Bye..."

Prussia hung up and sighed deeply.

"Bruder? Is everything alright?" Germany looked up at his brother from where he was sitting.

"Ja, ja. Do you know where Ita might be right now?" Prussia asked, scratching the back of his head.

"He might be at home, you can try there if you really want to see him." Germany looked skeptically towards his brother and then looked away. Prussia sighed and took out his phone again. He dialed Italy's number and waited. After ringing a few times, the number went straight to voicemail. This worried him.

"Maybe he just has his phone on silent...ja," Prussia reassured himself. Germany looked at his older brother with doubt and went off to his office to get some work done. Prussia sighed and tried Italy's phone, but it went straight to voicemail, again. Prussia hung up without leaving a voicemail and walked off to go find out more about this "past lover" of Ita's.


Thanks for reading! Again, please help me correct my grammar and language mistakes. I do not own Hetalia.

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