Why did it have to be him?

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Ron lay on a stretcher in emergency ward of St. Mungo's. Being an Auror, he was accustomed to being cursed and the pain involved. It came with the job, but having his partner/best friend beside him telling him he'd be home in time for dinner made him feel better.

"The Nurse said that a Healer will be here soon." Harry was saying before the door opened and the Healer came in. Ron felt relief and exasperation warring in him.

Did it have to be Malfoy? He was one of the best Healers no question, but Ron felt much to tired to cope with the snarky bickering that would ensue.

"Still can't keep your friends out of harms way, Potter?" Malfoy asked, casting diagnostic spells over his patient.

"He's alive isn't he?" Harry snarled, then turned to his prone friend. "Sorry, Ron."

Ron could only roll his eyes.

"So you can save them from death but not unscathed? Some hero you are." Draco muttered as he began casting spells in quick succession and Ron started to feel true relief.

"I saved you once upon a time." Harry drawled. "Or don't you recall?"

"Yes, you saved me. Perhaps you should have left me, save you the trouble. But then who should be here to patch up your mistakes?"

"There are other healers, you know." Harry muttered, eyes trained on Malfoy.

"None as good as me." Malfoy states, finishing up his healing with a flourish of his wand.

"Perhaps." Harry smirked, stalking around the bed to stand beside the Healer.

"You doubt my prowess?" Malfoy scoffed. Ron groaned from his place on the bed, wishing not for the first time that another Healer had walked in.

"Prowess?" Harry laughed

"What, is it beyond your vocabulary?" Malfoy smirked moving closer so that he stood taller than Harry.

"No, I've heard a self-congratulating prat use it too often to misunderstand." Harry focused his keen eyes on Malfoy, the tension building between them.

"Self-assured, and if anything you—" Harry had his hand on the collar of Malfoy uniform, intend on pulling him down to his level.

"Guys, finish your foreplay later. Harry, we have paperwork that needs done before dinner or Hermione will kill us all."

"I'll show you foreplay." Harry used his leverage to pull Malfoy in for a breathtaking kiss. Ron rolled his eyes yet again and walked away.

"Don't be late for dinner." Harry whispered against his husbands lips.

"I'm never late, everyone else is simply early." Malfoy scoffed, slightly breathless. Smiling he gave him another quick kiss before stalking out the door with a flourish of his robes that would have made Snape proud.

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