Bug dude

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Billy's POV

We step off the final bus to the state of New York "Now to find what city he's in." I sigh. Freddy chimes in,"Why don't we just look it up?" I'm such an idiot. I think to myself as I pull out my phone and type into google, what city does Ironman live in?
"Avengers tower in Manhattan, alright." I say,"lets get a taxi" after a little a taxi pulls up,"where are you two headed?" The driver says in a raspy voice. "How much is ride to manhattan?" He replies,"15 bucks, kid." I turn around to Freddy,"we don't have enough money for that... sorry to wast your time, sir!" I motion to Freddy that we need to go and get some more money.

Third person POV

They decide to go into their superhero forms and just fly there. "The people here have seen superheros before, it shouldn't be a shock for them to see us flying around the city, right?" Billy said nervously to Freddy, to which he replied with a nod. "SHAZAM!" They shout in unison as lightning crashes down and they transform into their superhero forms,"I honestly didn't expect that to work, you know, being in a different universe, and all." Billy said. Freddy checked a map on his phone," we're in queens right now, so hopefully it won't take too long to arrive at avengers tower" suddenly they saw a red blur zip past them and cling to a wall in front of them,"Who are you two?" He said,"I'm Spider-Man, are you guys superheroes too? Definitely look the part..." Billy was keeping his cool,"Do you know how to get us to Ironman?" He says. Spider-Man replies,"Mr.Stark? Yeah, come with me."

Billy POV

Okay, this spider guy just grabbed us off the ground and is now taking us to Ironman, how was your day?

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