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It has been two weeks since me and Jensen talked about this completely no strings attached relationship.

I have been thinking about it and the more I do the more I chicken out. How could I even consider this?

I am not desperate and am willing to believe that there is someone out there waiting for me at least I hope so.

I have been avoiding Mikey and Scott’s calls not because Jensen would tell them, no I knew he would not since he had said I would be his dirty little secret.

It hurts thinking about it, but than what did I expected from him?

There were a lot of things to consider, like the fact that he was about to become partners with my dad and his brother is dating my best friend so many people involve, so many people we would have to lie to and I guess I don't feel comfortable lying to them, call me old fashioned but I like honesty.

Than how come, you are not being honest with yourself?’. My conscience ask me and I groan.

I ‘am trying to be honest, but I just cannot handle falling for a guy who’s so against love.

How ironic, the fool who wants to fall in love, falls for the jerk who does not believe in it.

I went to the rest of my classes before Christmas break, which was another thing that was bugging me.

Christmas day was just around the corner and I could not help but feel disappointed at the fact that I still had not found my prince charming; I really thought Jonathan was it.

My phone ring and I did not have to look at the caller id to know who it was.

‘’Yes, Mikey?’’. I answer in a bored tone.

‘’Don’t you ‘yes Mikey’ me you bitch, why have you been avoiding my calls!’’. Mikey exclaim.

I sighed than stop walking to lean on the wall; I was exhausted about all this.

‘’Mikey, I am just kind of confuse right now’’. I spoke and close my eyes.

‘’Why? What happened’’? He asks me calmer.

‘’I’m just tired Mikey, tired of waiting for something that will never come, something that probably doesn’t exist and me being an idiot for believing’’. I choked up a sob, I didn’t want to cry in the middle of a hallway full of students.

‘’Babe meet me at the cafe' across campus, so that we can talk’’. I started to nod and then remember he could not see me.

‘’Ok’’. I whisper and said bye.

At the café, we were both drinking our mocha lattes silently, which it was a first since Mikey does not know the meaning of being quiet.

‘’So, shit babe I have no idea what to ask’’. Mikey was at loss of words and I raised an eyebrow in amusement, he is never like this and man oh man did I enjoy it. However, my little happiness stops when I saw a couple walking by holding hands while they both laugh at something she had said.

‘’I want to fall in love so bad, and I am starting to think this is all a bunch of crap’’. I stated defeated.

‘’Jensen got to you, didn’t he?’’. Mikey pointed out sounding annoyed.

I smile sadly and just shrug, yeah in a way he did get to me but I am somewhat thankful for that.

‘’He did said some things but this is all me boo ’’. He looked into my eyes searching for something, probably to check if I was telling the truth since he knows when I’m lying only by looking into my eyes.

‘’Addie, do not give up please, I am positive it will happen this year’’. He sounded so sure of him as if he knew something I did not.

‘’Is there something I should know’’? . I asked him and he smiled at me.

‘’You know maybe you should wear that necklace, maybe that will help you find him quicker’’. He chided and I frowned at his words, I guess I needed to come clean with my best friend.

‘’I actually already did’’. I looked away avoiding his questioning gaze.

‘’Oh’’. He did not ask who it was he just looked at me in a funny way.

I contemplated not telling him, just keep that information to myself but then I will be marked as a hypocrite for not being honest when that is what I want for others to be with me.

‘’The other half is on Scott’s key chain’’. I spoke in a whispered and looking down into my empty cup, I was being a coward, and I did not want to see Mikey’s eyes in case he felt betrayed or something.

‘’I already knew that’’. That made me snap my head up to meet his eyes, he had a small smile playing on his lips and that made me smile back at him.

‘’You are not mad?’’. I ask him and he shook his head no, I sigh in relief.

‘’I already knew’’. He lifted his hand to stop me from asking him any questions and I shut my mouth and let him proceed with his explanation.

‘’Is not his, he picked it up when he saw another boy throwing it away’’. I stared at him for a minute than I busted out laughing.

‘’My god, do you know how crazy I was going ever since I saw that half, gosh’’. I held my stomach; it was hurting for laughing so hard.

‘’Sorry, but hey how about we go find your prince charming, we can track down the boy who threw it’’. He offered and that stop my laughing.

‘’I don't know, should we’’? I hesitated, what if the boy is already married. Worse in jail?

‘’Stop, do not go jumping ahead and let us just find him, then we will go from there ok’’. He said with a little smile, it seemed like a hidden smile and I had a feeling he knew more than he was telling me, but I shook off that feeling since I knew my best friend and I know for a fact the he would never lie to me.

I stared at him while thinking about my options; I could go with Mikey on this, find my 'prince' adventure.

On the other hand, I could say no, go back to my apartment and sit in the dark feeling sorry for myself, while eating a shitload of ice cream.

I could go with the unspoken option, I say yes to Mikey and then call Jensen and accept his offer.

‘’Ok, Mikey let us find my prince’’. I agree and he squeals.

God I was so going to regret this, Unspoken option it is.

while smiling at Mikey, I was nervous as I thought about me and Jensen in a hotel room.

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