Broken Reality Deep Throat The Document 7!

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Broken Reality Deep Throat The Document 7!
Created By The Warrior Mind Drifter
April 12 2019

I am always drenched in gems and
the beauty of life. I am always
living in unconditional love. I carry
with me my loving light everywhere.

I am always progressing through life
in unconditional love. I am always
meditating and meditated on the
better things in life.

Too much light is darkness and darkness
has no light. I am always creating a better
life for myself but always ready to accept
anything that comes. I live in light but
I am not lost within it creating my darkness.

The kingdom of unconditional love location
Come join us for a word of unconditional love.

Broken Reality Deep throat April 12 2019!Where stories live. Discover now