1.) How You Meet

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Ciel:You were of a noble family.You hated it because you have to go to these stupid parties.Men/women were always trying to court you.It was highly infuriating.You are currently at a ball hosted by none other than the Earl Ciel Phantomhive.You walk across the room and over to a chair before you're stopped by a tap on your shoulder.You turn around and are greeted by Ciel who's holding out his hand and smirking a little. "May I have this dance?" You sigh a little and take his hand. "Of course,Lord Phantomhive." As you begin to dance with him,he asks, "What is your name?" You are hesitant to answer,but you do anyway. "I am (Y/N) (L/N)." He smiles. "(Y/N)...I like it.It suits you well." And with that,he pulls away and walks off.

Sebastian:It's simple,really...you went to a ball,had a bit too much to drink,and you had to fight to keep men/women from taking advantage of you.You probably look horrifying right now,but you really couldn't care less.At least you're alive.You are currently stumbling your way down the street.You think you're heading towards your manor but you aren't sure.Suddenly,a low,kind,and gentle voice calls out to you. "Milady/Sir,are you alright?" You turn around to see the owner of the voice and are greeted with a tall,slender,handsome,young man with raven black hair and abnormal crimson eyes.He appears have a concerned look on his face. "I am quite alright.Thank you for asking...are you going to try and take advantage of me?" He smiles a kind smile and steps closer. "Of course not.What kind of gentleman would I be if I were to take advantage of a lady/man?" You smiled back a little. "Not a very good gentleman...may I have your name?" He closes his eyes and smiles. "I am Sebastian Michaelis,head butler of the Phantomhive household." He bows and you blush. "And you are,Milady/Sir?" You bow to him while saying, "My name is (Y/N) (L/N).It's a pleasure to meet you." He puts out his hand. "The pleasure is all mine.May I walk you home?" You blush and take his hand. "Of course."

Finny:You were visiting the Phantomhive manor with your mother.She was talking over some business with Ciel Phantomhive.You decided to go to the garden,you love flowers and their delicate aromas.So here you are,sitting amidst the roses in complete silence and bliss...until there was a loud crash and suddenly a tree fell next to you.You jump back and shriek.Then a voice shouts out, "I'm terribly sorry,Milady/Sir!My strength tends to get out of hand sometimes." A young boy then runs up to you and bows.He has light blond hair and big,teal eyes.You smile at him. "It's quite alright.I'm (Y/N) (L/N).And you are?" His eyes widen and he bows again. "You're Mrs.(L/N)'s daughter/son.I'm Finnian,but you can just call me Finny.I am the gardener for Lord Phantomhive." He back smiles at you. "Well,it was nice to meet you Finny,but I am going to head back." You bow and start to walk away.Finny shouts "Goodbye miss/mister (Y/N)!"

Bard:You were wandering the halls of Phantomhive manor because you were bored.Your friend Ciel Phantomhive had invited you over before he was pulled away by his fiancée.As you passed the kitchen,a loud boom came from it as smoke started pouring into the hall.You rushed into the kitchen to check and see if anyone was hurt.Luckily no one was hurt,but there was a man with a blond afro that was singed and he was a bit blackened from the explosion.He had a cigarette hanging from his mouth but it didn't look like it was lit. "Are you alright?" You asked the man who looked at you. "I'm quite alright,Milady/Sir." You smiled and sighed. "Good.I am (Y/N) (L/N.)" You bowed. "I'm Bardoroy but you can just call me Bard." He smiled back. "I should probably go so you can clean up before Sebastian sees." You giggle a little. "Right.I'll see you around,miss/mister (L/N)." You smile and exit the kitchen.

Undertaker:You were grieving.Your great grandmother had just passed away and your mother was still sobbing in her bed at your manor.You had to take care of the funeral.So,you were on your way to the Undertaker to pick out a coffin.As you came to stop at the door of his shop,you mentally prepared yourself before walking in. "Hello,dearie." A voice called out and suddenly a man with stitches and scars and long grey hair stepped out of a coffin. "How may I help you?" You sighed and said, "My great grandmother has passed and I need a coffin for her." He chuckles a little. "So you're (Y/N) (L/N)?You're prettier/more handsome than I thought,dearie." You blush a bit at the comment. "Thank you...I don't believe I caught your name." He laughs quite loudly. "Just call me Undertaker,dear.I'll take care of the coffin." You smile slightly. "Thank you.I shall return soon." You start to leave. "See you soon,Milady/My lord."

Grell:You were walking home after a long day of shopping with your friends.You didn't buy anything because you already have all you could ever want.As you turn the corner on the street that leads to your manor,a voice calls out to you. "What's a lovely lady/man like you doing out so late~?" You get chills as you turn and see a man with long red hair with a chainsaw.He's wearing all red and his eyes are abnormal.He grins a cheshire grin with sharp teeth showing.You hesitantly call out, "I am heading home." He chuckles a little. "That's not safe,darling.Someone could try and paint you with the lovely colour red...the colour of passion,love,romance." You get a shiver. "Oh...my manor isn't too far so I'll be going now." You turn to walk,but he calls out, "I'm Grell Sutcliff and I'll see you real soon (Y/N)." You turn to look at him,but he's already gone.How did he know your name?

William:You were irritated after a long day of dealing with Grell.You were a reaper and a high ranked one at that.If he messed up,you or William T. Spears would have to fix it.You didn't know William personally,but you knew he was irritated as well.Suddenly,there was a knock on the door of the office you were in. "Come in." You call out and the door opens revealing William. "Hello,(Y/N)." You looked him dead in the eyes. "Good day,William." You get out of your seat. "How may I help you?" He walks towards you. "I was going to walk out with you." You smile a bit. "Alright.Let's go." You both walk out of the office together.You were both ready to get to your homes after a day full of Grell Sutcliff messing up.

Soma:You were at the curry making competition that your friend Ciel's butler had just won.You were congratulating them when you caught sight of Prince Soma.He also saw you,smiled,and started walking closer.You smiled back. "Hello,Prince Soma." He bowed. "Hello,miss/mister (Y/N).Ciel has told me a lot about you." You laughed. "Good things,I hope." He also laughed and then grinned. "Yes...except he didn't tell me you were this beautiful/handsome." You blush a dark red from the comment. "You're too kind,your highness.But I'm afraid I must be going.I'll see you around." You smile and bow. "Alright.I will see you soon,(Y/N)." You both walk away from each other.

Agni:You were visiting your best friend Prince Soma and you are currently sitting with him and laughing.Suddenly,there's a knock on the door. "Come in." Prince Soma shouts.A servant with his right hand wrapped in bandages comes in. "Oh,hello Agni.(Y/N),meet Agni,my khansama." Agni bows. "Hello,miss/mister (Y/N)." You smile. "Hello,Agni." He smiles back at you. "Well,Soma,I'm going to go home.Bye Agni." They both smile at you. "Bye (Y/N)!" Soma shouts. "Farewell,miss/mister (Y/N)." Agni calls after you.

Viscount of Druitt:You were at the ball where your friend,Ciel Phantomhive,had to dress up as a girl.His plan was to get the Viscount's attention,but you were ruining that plan.The Viscount Druitt wouldn't leave you alone. "But you're like a refreshing glass of water after a long day in the blistering son!" You blushed. "Thank you...I guess." He was a pervert and you had to keep telling yourself that. "I really must go Viscount." He looked saddened at your words. "Alright,but I'll see you soon,my little robin!" You then left and went to Ciel's side. "He's all yours." You whispered as you pushed Ciel towards the Viscount.

Pluto:You were currently walking around the manor.Suddenly,a hellhound jumps in front of you.You jump back. "My goodness...you scared me." You walked up to him to pet him when he suddenly turned into a human...at least it looked human. "Okay!You need to cover up." You shield your eyes.He barks at you and hugs you. "Pluto,let go of miss/mister (Y/N) now!" Sebastian pulls Pluto off of you. "My apologies,Milady/my lord." You laugh. "It's quite alright Sebastian.I am going to head home though.Good day." Sebastian bows to you. "Goodbye,Milady/my lord." Pluto whined for you to come back but you continued to get in the carriage.

Ash:After a ball,you decided it'd be best if you headed straight home.So here you are,walking home,in the dark.A satin like voice suddenly calls out to you. "Out of everyone that attended the ball,you are the most pure." You turn to look at the owner of the voice.It was a man with white hair and lavender eyes. "Who are you?" He smiles a kind smile. "I am Ash Landers.I already know who you are,miss/mister (Y/N)." He bows. "I will be walking you home." He takes your hand. "Alright."

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