The story

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Music,how could something so "simple" be so important to the sustaining of the whole world. As I write this,I'm listening to music,feeling the bass from the speakers within my headphones vibrate the mesh ear cushions.

Music can make you feel many many different things,happiness,sadness,excited,relaxed,love,hatred,hope,fear, nervousness,security and so much more! Music keeps our lives together in some aspect or another,so then the question becomes..."what if there was no music?".

 No music?! What a unthinkable thing!

 Exactly my point. As far as we can ever think of there has always been music. It sometimes makes our bodies move on its own,a rhythm,foot tapping as a example. Listen to a song with a catchy tune and you will find your foot tapping alone with the beat,or maybe even your hand on your knee,for me its mostly my fingers tapping away as the rhythm and song ring through my ears. 

Music is here to relay a story,a feeling or thought. It evolves with time just how technology has in the past and there is music all around us but it takes talent to look for it and put it together.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2014 ⏰

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