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smile chou shared something! tap to see.

in which smile chou accidentally pressed the share contact info in the chat options with jungkook jeon.


another bts epistolary!

tzuyu x jungkook

bts as themselves

chou tzuyu as smile chou

HELLO ! it's me, hi, hello! hihi, so yes it's oct 1 2020 rn, and i hope everyone will be able to read this important message. :)

if ever you have read my stories or epistolary which i have published and written 3 yrs ago (hoy series etc) i would like to sincerely apologize for the insensitive or cringey inside jokes, and for the jeje or corny lines. gusto ko sanang iedit and remove yung mga bad words pero i'm sorry because i don't have much time to edit since i have lots of things to do in school huhu.

i hope naenjoy niyo pa rin yung mga corny na epistolary lalo na yung mga una, when i was still starting.

thank u for always supporting me! <3

so much love, yana. <3

oops! // tzukook (completed)Where stories live. Discover now