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Every Friday Peter would watch the clock above the door in his chemistry class, waiting for that moment that the bell would ring and he could be free for a long two days. For the whole hour he drums his fingers against the table and taps his foot against the floor impatiently.

This weekend he was staying at Tony's the whole time, he had been talking to Ned about it for roughly the whole two weeks leading up to this weekend. As soon as the bell wrung peter was running through the doors, he was walking out of the school as a car pulled up beside him.

Peters heart was racing as the window was being rolled down but he kept walking, too scared to look at the car. "Are you getting in kid?" He recognised the voice almost instantly his heart rate suddenly slowed down. "Mr Stark you terrified me! I thought you were going to kidnap me."

Peter opened the door, he still sat in the back of Tony's car feeling too rude if he sat in the front of it. The drive was quicker than Peter had expected. Was that because Tony's was speeding? Most probably. But Peter wasn't complaining, the sooner they were there, the sooner they could watch Tv.

Peter ran into the room and jumped onto the couch, waiting rather impatiently. He must have been waiting ten minutes when he heard a massive clutter causing the poor boy to fall off the couch and land in a sort of heap in the floor. Quick to regain any dignity he had he stood up and shouted "Is everything okay Mr.Stark?" There was no reply for a while which caused Peter to go into a panic.

He heard a small "Peter? Can you help me?" He walked into the kitchen to see Tony on the floor with utensils, plates and packaging surrounding him and the whole cupboard on the counter. Once Peter made sure Tony was okay he ran to get his camera to take a photo of the famous man who was so many's hero. "Peter! No! Peter! If you dare!" The click of a camera caused Peter to fall to the ground laughing. 

"What happened?" Peter could barely speak he was laughing so much, he begun to clutch his stomach because it began to hurt. "I couldn't reach the mugs." This just caused Peter to cry with laughter, which made Tony eventually see the funny side of the situation that he was in. When the duo regained themselves Peter helped Tony stand up.

"Do you want me to help you clear this up, Mr Stark?" They both glanced back at the mess that covered half of the kitchen, it seemed like a colossal task that neither of them wanted to do "Forget it, I'll do it some time." Peter raised an eyebrow knowing too well that Tony wouldn't clean up it up.

"We'll watch one episode, then you clear it up and I'll do my homework." Tony laughed at Peter "Bossy?" Peter just smiled at Tony excited to watch the episode of the series that they both watched religiously together.

Tony was watching the Tv wanting it to never finish, how was he meant to clean that mess up? What was he meant to do with everything? But slowly the episode came to an end. Tony just stared at the Tv not wanting to move.

"Can't you do it sometime?" Peter knew that this was going to happen but he didn't mind, he liked spending time with Tony even if that was cleaning up broken plates from the floor. "I'll help you." Tony smiled wondering how someone could be so kind and he just be so selfish.

"I'm not cleaning up the whole mess though, it's not my fault you're tiny." Tony's face turned from a smile to an angry glare, Peter started running to the kitchen shouting "pushed it too far!"

-Jack Stauber-

{I found this hard to write as I knew what I wanted to say but only wanted to use three lyrics from the song. I feel like this is a fail! I mean the song only has 13 lyrics so.}

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