#2 Herbs

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Namjoon's pov:

Namjoon stepped back to give the boy a chance to stand up. "You have to anticipate every swing and hit and adapt your stance. A knight barely ever stands still when in combat."

The much younger knight in training got to his feet and nodded, preparing for Namjoon's next move. Namjoon didn't want to go easy on the boy, but he had to be careful not to make it too hard. It should be challenging, but not much more than that.

He swung at his feet and the boy jumped back, using his shield to block the blow and raising his sword in case Namjoon went for his upper body next, but the older knight pulled the sword back and struck at his other side, making the boy move his sword downwards. Namjoon saw the realisation in the younger's eyes, but he was faster and swung his sword upwards, hitting the boy's unprotected head with the flat side of the blade. The trainee lost his balance and fell backwards.

Namjoon lowered his shield and stuck his sword into the ground. "Did you notice what mistake you made?"

"Yep.", the boy replied, rubbing his head, "I should have used my shield and not have left any body part unguarded."

"Good.", he commented, "Lyeston, you're next."

As the next boy got ready, Namjoon glanced about and unexpectantly met Prince Seokjin's gaze, who was leaning against the wooden fence. He wandered over. "Your majesty.", Namjoon said mockingly.

Jin smiled. "Sir Kim. Training's looking good. That last one almost got close to not dying", he said in an impressed voice.

"They're still trainees, Jin.", Namjoon smiled and picked at the wood, "Anyway, what are you doing? Or should I say, what are you supposed to be doing?"

"Help you with training."


"Well, you look to be doing fine without me, so."

The boys were ready and patiently waiting. "I'd better get back to actually doing it." Namjoon sighed "I'll see you around."

And with that, he left Jin to make up an excuse to avoid his duties and rejoined the young boys.

"Okay, Lyeston. Remember what I told you last time."

Seokjin's pov:

Jin watched his friend train the younglings for a while longer. Eventually, he left them and wandered along the woodland path that led back to the town. He took his time. if he got back too soon, his father would realise he hadn't been fulfilling his duties.

Summer had decorated the forest with a green blanket and flowers were sprinkled around the forest floor. Jin knew the way by heart. He knew the oak that leant into the path, the tree stump with the large mushroom beside it, the patch of brambles with a piece of cloth hanging in the middle that no one could get at, the huge oak at the crossroads with the road that led to the next town Naraden, and the other that led deeper into the woods. He'd been running back and forth along here since he was a young boy.

Birdsong sounded overhead and he looked up at the branches above. As he did so movement caught his eye, but when he glanced in the direction, only a few branches were shaking. Nothing. It had been a couple weeks since the death threats, but his father insisted he kept a lookout. That included not walking in the woods alone. He's just paranoid. That's what parents are like.

Jin turned right at the crossing and walked the steadily sloping path back to Resadon. A rabbit jumped out into the path before him and, if he had been in the mood, he would have caught it, but since he was in quite a good mood, he let it scurry away into the bushes again.

Finally, he could see the silver gates through the trees ahead. He slowed for the last few metres of being hidden by leaves, unsure if he had taken long enough for them not to wonder, then sped up to his usual fast walking pace.

"Prince Seokjin.", the guards greeted him and he nodded back.

He decided he'd spend some time at the market before returning to the castle to join the hunting party. After all, he had saved up me spare coins he had earned from gifts. Of course, being a prince and all, he had plenty of money. He just didn't want to waste all of it on useless items. 

Yoongi's pov:

Yoongi landed on one of the houses and changed into a black cat, shadow encasing him for a brief moment. He watched the prince move through the busy market. Wasn't he supposed to be going back to the castle? The shapeshifter followed him, jumping from roof to roof and staying in the shade, occasionally hiding behind chimneys.

He was still telling himself off for the mistake he had made in the forest. The prince had almost seen him and all because he got distracted for half a second. If he weren't the prince, he could have at least killed him before anything happened, but it could ruin his reputation. Plus there were plenty of contract givers who would pay for the prince's head. 

Yoongi slowed as the boy stopped to talk to a merchant at a stand selling glass ornaments. Not being able to hear them from afar, he jumped down from the roof to get closer, settling on a tack of hay.

"Well, I won't tell if you don't.", the woman smiled.

"It'll be our secret." The prince paid for a small glass dove and said his farewell. 

Secret? That sounded promising. 

"Just make sure you head back in time!", she warned as the boy walked on.

Oh. Probably just that he wasn't doing as he had been told. Yoongi contemplated telling one of the guards he had seen the prince in the market but ended up pushing the thought aside. Internally grimacing at the smell of humans, he wound his way between legs while staying close to the walls as to not completely drown in the thin crowd. He looked up for a moment and suddenly locked eyes with someone whose face looked hauntingly familiar. Oh, come on! Yoongi glanced around and darted between two houses, swiftly turning into a crow the moment he was out of sight. What the hell was Kasio doing here? Kasio was basically the opposite of Yoongi in that he protected people who might be targets. It made sense the king would hire someone to keep an eye out for his son though. Reluctantly, Yoongi flew up and in the direction of his nest. As he crossed the walls, he decreased his height so he was closer to the trees.  He was almost at the foot of the mountains when a flash of colour caught his eye, but he didn't bother to investigate.

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