GOD thank You

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I usually have the habit of thanking ALMIGHTY GOD for each and everything. I had a doubt that would anyone ever would read my story and what I found is "yes, my stories also has some things that I am unable to feel but my readers have felt it and have given their precious time in viewing it."

Even while writing stories for readers outlet app, I had the same problem but as months passed things got set. Usually whenever I write a story I try to put GOD in a higher place and due to this reason my stories in the writer outlet app got mixed reviews. It had lots of atheists who didn't like my articles on GOD.

I don't know how many atheists live here but later on now I see that many atheists have turned into GOD believers. It looks nice that GOD has shown HIS miracles on them. We should assure that WE NEED SOMEONE WHO CAN SHOW US THE WAY, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHETHER WE GO IN THE LANES OF GOOD OR BAD BUT ULTIMATELY ALL THAT IT MATTERS IS IN THE END WE ALL SHOULD UNITE WITH GOD.

                     Thank you GOD & wattpad & & all my readers at wattpad for your support.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2019 ⏰

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