Free Bird

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    Its so bright. The breeze isn't to cold. It gently flows through my feathers and lifts me higher. The suns warm on my face. I close my eyes and let it sink in.


i run into an object and flap my wings frantically to keep myself up. What? I go through here every day. Theres usualy nothing here. I perk up and see dave floating with his arms crossed staring at me. He nods as a way of saying "yo".

Hes wearing his usual record shirt and black jeans. His shades on his face where they always were. His freckles scattered all over his body. Hes wearing new shoes. Dam i ...kinda miss shoes.

David...he ruined my morning flight. Why? "What do you want" i say softly. I sound shy but Daves me. Im not that shy-!...Atleast i hope not. I mean. I do get jealous sometimes. But i swear im comfy near him.

"You always come by here. Maybe you should try somewhere else" somewhere else?! I come by here all the time! Somewhere else is just another thing to change.

I huff and fly by him letting whats left of my wing rub against him. I wince trying to make sure Dave dosent hear. Im already fucked up enough. I dont need to be known as week to.

After im atleast far enough to spread my wings i do so and with one wing beat im gone. He watches me fly off with a worried expretion. Why cant he just ignore me. Im a replacement after all. Hes not dead. So im not needed.

Landing on the highest tree i curl my tail up to my chest as if they were knees and take a deep breath.

"Why did i do that? Daves the nicest guy to me i know. And i just totally gave him all the sass i could ever give-!" I caw loudly and flap my wings once so hard the leaves around me get pushed back and birds fly away from there homes.

"No im sorry-!" There not crows but there still birds! Im alone now...ugh. Other than a sqiurl nibbling on the tip of my tail. I peep in surprise and fling my tail causing him to jump back and scatter away. I should really get going....but. Its acualy nice here. The suns still rising. Its warm. The small breeze keeps it at a nice temperature.

Theres the sound of leaves ruffling behind me. I perk up. Someones here. Without any thought i pull out my katana and turn getting up and putting it up to his neck. Its dave... He throws his hands up and gasps.

"Its just me. Calm your tail feathers."
I tilt my head at the pun. "A tail is the one thing i dont have." He blinks through his shades as if he didnt know. "Still i thought it was a good pun. Now lower that thing." My arms flop to the side of my body and i take a deep breath.

"Sorry. Im just...really in a bad mood." "Why cause i interrupted?" "No. The usual." To be fully honest. Thats exactly why. Hes not the most happy about being inturpted. I get cut off before he could say any more. "Im worried...about you. Your always sitting somewhere alone. You need to start making some fr-" hes cut off "NO-! i cant-! Im a shitty version of you no one cares. And i dont WANT freinds! The crows are good enough." I dont remember the last time i yelled at someone like that. I notice my feathers slowly puffing up.

With a huff and a wing beat im off again. I cant handle him right now. I sigh in the air and try and calm myself letting my wings spread out and take me wherever they want.

After closing my eyes they shoot open almost emediantly after hearing some caws. I smile widely. The only freinds i have left. Crows. My wings spread out causing me to slow down before closing them and falling to the roof.

Its the striders apartment. My favorite place to sit and watch the sunset. May as well. Its still rising. I sit on the edge my tail swaying off the edge and feel the breeze in my feathers again as crows fly around me. Its beautiful. Orange...yellow...some pink...

"Who are you?"

Who...are you?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2019 ⏰

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