That's how it went... (Kiszka brothersxReader)

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We are staying in a suite with three bedrooms, after the concert of the boys have, we came to celebrate, the beer never lacking, tequila and if there is something that we at least share with Jake is the bourbon whiskey. I am with my glass in my hand sitting on the sofa, we are all around the table in the living room, listening to good music and playing jenga with truth, challenge or shot.
We are all quite drunk at this time of night, Jake removes a piece and the tower begins to shake and he put it again, but I hit the table lightly with my foot and the tower falls, everyone shouts excited, he was the most sober and he threw a serious looks to me, that if it were a weapon he would have killed me already, I am smiling at him and I throw a kiss to him in the distance.

-Gooood Jakey!- Kenzi said - Truth, challenge oooor shot !? You already know that if you do not want to tell the truth or you do not meet the challenge,  you have to take the shot anyway-smiling as a little girl all excited-

-Uhmm ... Truth-

-You let me see ...- Kenzi is weighing-

Then Josh hugs Jake by the shoulder and tells him.
-If you had to kiss one of the girlfriends of the boys, whom would you choose? -

-I don't have many options, and I don't want to be killed- he said watching Danny hold hard the Mackenzi's hand-

So Jake took the shot of tequila and drank it without hesitation hitting the table with the empty glass.

-Thanks- he said ironically-

-My pleasure - I answered raising the glass maken a toast gesture and drinking-

We continued playing and joking, until I lost. I could see how everyone laughed and Jake was basically making fun of me.

-Well babe, what do you choose? -Said Sam, stroking my cheek-

Something burned inside of me, for the Jake's face, I took the shot of tequila, drank it in a second leaving the glass on the table and answered quickly.

-Challenge- raising my eyebrows in a cocky sign-

I could only hear a general "wooo" of everyone, encouraging me even more.

-Well, in the garden of the hotel there is a fountain, Do you like a plunge? - Jake challenged me-

This was personal, I knew it. Everyone was silent, I drank what was left of my glass, I stood in the direction of the door and I heard Sam tell me "it was not necessary". I left the suite and everyone followed me running with their mobile in hand, they were not going to lose it, we took the elevator and started to go down. It was 4 and something in the morning, so there would not be many people, when we started to reach the first floor, I took off my shirt and jeans leaving them lying on the floor of the elevator.

-What are you doing? - Daniel said without being able to stand the laughter-

The elevator door opened, I ran in my underwear through the hotel lobby, went out the door to the patio and jumped into the fountain, when I got out of it I could see the boys watching me from the elevator door with opened mouths and the guy from the reception looking over the counter.
I entered without looking at the guy at the reception, but with the face of with no friends so that he would not say anything to me and I enter the elevator, they waited until it was closed so that it will take us to our floor and everyone let out a laugh.

- You're crazy, Kenzi told me, showing me what he had just recorded.

-You are the best, hell yes!- Josh said hugging me-

Sam approached my clothes to me, something annoying and I kissed his cheek.

-I'm sorry baby- I apologized and he smiled back-

Once back in the suite I decided that it was too much party for me, so I left the boys and went to the room. I took a shower, put on my pajamas and went to bed. When I was relaxing, I heard the door open.

-Hey beautiful, are you sleeping? - It was the voice of Josh-

-No, come in-

He closed the door behind him without turning on the light, he lay down next to me.
-Can you hug me?-

-What happens honey? - I asked worried-

He began to sob, I immediately hugged him against my chest and stroked his curly hair.
Josh was always the most expressive in every way, but he rarely cried.

-Why is this still happening to me? - Asked with a hint of anger in his voice- Someday there will be someone who loves me ?, Like you to Sam or Hannah to Jake ...-

The truth is that everyone could say all the girls loves Josh, he was a gallant, and as for fans, he dragg many more than the other boys together, but the girl who really interested him always broke his heart. They approach by interest, they couldn't stand jealousy and they ended up leaving it, obviously is hard managing stay with guys with so many fans.

-What happened with Lori? - I asked about the girl with whom He was supposed to have something-

-It was all right, but she said that she couldn't stand the life that we lead and that she preferred to focus on the University- he said very sad without taking his head from my chest-

-Joshua, you're a wonderful guy ...- the door of the room opened, a thin and tall shadow entered in silence- you are a wonderful man, talented, full of virtues, everyone adores you-

I felt the shadow lie behind me under the covers and he hug me, I could recognize the scent of Sam mixed with alcohol.

-Tell me that what served me- he said turning over himself looking at the ceiling -

-Hey Honey, you are the most sincere and true person I know, you just have to calm your passions a little - Sam continued silently embraced to my body- You must learn to save a little bit all your energy and go calmly, be delivered its well, but you will see that in time the princess that you dreamed will come and you will be happy. You are too young even to die for love - I stroked his cheeks, wiping away tears-

-I wish I had Sammy's luck, and find someone like you-

Sam laughed softly and began to caress my belly tenderly, planting kisses on my neck. It made me shiver, it felt good, but with the alcohol in my blood, it was hard for me to focus on controlling what Sam started to make me feel and attend to poor Josh.

-Aaw you make me blush- I answered-

-And if you leave Sam, to marry you? - he asked turning his face towards me-

I saw over my shoulder poke Sam's head and hit Josh on the forehead with his hand, I hit Sam back with the elbow causing him to lie back behind me. He hugged me tightly against his body possessively plunging his face into my hair, whispering that it belonged to him or something, I just laughed.

-Of course, handsome prince, in a few more years- I laughed

Josh smiled shaking his head, while I stroked his hair, after a few minutes we all fell asleep.
Sam and I under the blankets, and Josh on them hugging me too. The door opened and a flash ligth made me wake up, I only saw a shadow flee and to the seconds later my phone began to vibrate. As I could, pressed between the two men in my bed, I caught my phone and I could see that they were messages with the name of Jake.

"He's a bastard," I grumbled, putting the phone down trying to go back to sleep.
Maybe what kind of extortion will happen to do with that picture, but I'll worry tomorrow.

With two Kiszka on bedWhere stories live. Discover now