Chapter One

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A tall and slender man stepped into the familiar building. He'd always worked in this building since 2014 and knew almost everyone.
Just as they almost knew him.
Shane didn't just join Buzzfeed to gain better income or make friends. He didn't really work for Buzzfeed at all, despite what the papers say.
Shane Madej; a demon sent to prevent chaos coming to those who cause it.
Sounds neat, right? Well, he would have thought the same if the punishment of failure was death. Or, whatever it was death meant to a demon, it was still pretty bad. He had been waiting all these years for this moment and he wasn't going to let "Brett Benedict", or whatever his name was, take away his one chance to get to the infamous Ryan Bergara.
Despite his lack of leg length, Ryan Bergara is headstrong on exposing the supernatural. Usually, those down below let it slide whenever there's a "paranormal investigator" with cameras, mainly because everything they post is a hoax. Ryan, however, has too good of a heart to lie to people and want perfect and unmistakable proof. Unfortunately for the future, he is deemed to get just that. Shane is sent here to stop him.
He had met him plenty of times before and they were pretty aquaintainced in college, but now he had to actually befriend him- which shouldn't be too hard. Shane was a pretty humorous guy and easy to get along with.
'This should be easy as taking over the holy lands.' Shane mused silently to himself. He glanced around at the others in the building, figuring he'd find Brett somewhere. Technically, Brett was already out of the picture, but Shane just wanted to see him and how he was doing. Not that he cared about any of these people-
"Jen! Hi!" Shane waved to her quickly as she passed. "Hey Shane. If you are thinking about that opening with Ryan still, you don't need to worry. I told him about your interest and he thinks its pretty great that you wanna co-host with him. Just meet him in his studio building thingy and he'll talk to you there." She said, smiling brightly at him. Shanes eyes lit up. "Wait, really? That's amazing, thank you so much, Jen!" Shane beamed, forgetting about what he was doing. "I seriously cannot thank you enough!" He added, racing off in the direction of Ryan's little studio. "Okay, that's it, he's definitely bi." He heard Jen's thought echo around the room. It was a perk of being a demon, hearing any thoughts that might concern him.
Trying to clear the foreign thought out of his head, he ran into someone and knocked their folders out of their hand. "Oof." One of tthe two said, but Shane wasn't sure if he had said anything at all. "Oh, sorry Brett." Shan apologized, whooshing last him. "Its.. Brent." He muttered, but Shane was already out of there.
Entering the room, he felt his chest cconstrict and an odd unsafe vibe fill his nerves. The room was well decorated, and he loved the place, and Ryan was already there waiting for him. "Hey Shane!" The spoke quickly, a smile plasterred on his face.
Now was when the future begins to change. Or, at least it has to for Shane's sake. "Ryan." Shane greeted with an even quicker smile flashing at his friend as he walked up to him.
"So, youre interested in being my co-host?" Ryan asked, but for some reason Shane felt as if the smaller man was challenging him. "Yepperoo." He replied. "Any thing you'd like to say before I quickly judge you?" Ryan laughed quietly at the confused look on Shanes face. "Uh.. I don't believe in a lot of things." He replied, wondering if that just shot away his chance. He was merely speaking out of pressure. Ryan glared at him for a second, his smile faded but not completely. 'Disappointed, but not too upset about it?' Shanr thought as he waited for him to continue. "Great! You're accepted!" Ryan turned back and headed to the desk.
Shane followed him, hoping Ryan had things to say and to show him before the dull silence crept in. "Over here is our desk. Uh, we will be going over facts about murders and superstitious places. Ghosts and all. Oh! And theories. I love theories." Ryan continued talking, Shane only partially listened as his brown eyes glanced around the desk, seeing some fancy folders Ryan had made. "Uh, Shane?" Ryan asked hesitantly. Shane shot his attention back to him quickly. "Hm?" Shane felt slightly embarrassed he had got distracted over the folders. "If you like them, thanks, but if you're secretly judging them..." Ryan started, making Shane chuckle and shake his head. "Sorry, they're pretty neat. I like them." He said. "Anyways, I asked what exactly it was that you were skeptical about and why?" Ryan added, looking to him, but not at his eyes as if he wasn't quite comfortable around him yet.
"I just don't believe in ghosts and the majority of stuff that is tied to it." Shane responded, swiftly glancing at the slightly darker skinned males' dark hair. 'It's so shiny.' He thought, but blinked it away.
"Like, religion?" Ryan wondered, his brown eyes a bit wide. 'Oh no.' Shane shuddered. "I just... Yeah. I don't believe that there's a God or anything of that sort." Shane knew the truth. Yeah, there was a God, etc., but would a demon ever admit that? The only other thing he was certain of was ghost. 'Ghost. Do. Not. Exist. They are not a thing.' Shane told himself in his head, wishing he could tell Ryan the truth, but knowing how Ryan would most likely respond- it wouldn't change his mind. Demons pretended to be deceased relatives all the time, coming back as people who once existed just to get under the existing people's skin! People who die don't linger, they go one way or the other.
"Oh." Ryan finally said. Shane hasn't realized until now how long Ryan hadn't spoke. Was he shocked? Worried? Wanting to find a new partner?
"Well, that's good, because I like proving people wrong." A challenge-like feeling rose within Ryan once more and it made Shane smile. "Good luck. I've got a hard and stubborn noggin." He played along as he saw Ryan get some notes.
Ryan trailed his finger across some lined words on the paper, schedules were set in stone and everything.
"Alright, so the season is going to start out like this..."

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