- Rules -

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We all hate em', but we have to set some down.

1. I cannot stress this enough, no mary nor gary sues/stus. meaning no characters with powers, or one that has zero flaws, or that everyone is in love with them. Yes they're androids but they're not overpowered. This goes the same for humans as well.

2. Cursing is totally allowed here! But Smut is to be asked to be taken to PM's as to not get this taken down.

3. Harassment/Hate will not be tolerated upon any level. Unless it's for the roleplay, if you guys see anyone remotely bashing anyone or if I catch you harassing someone you will be put on a black list and will no longer be allowed to roleplay here.

3.5. Guys hate the character, not the roleplayer, please.

4. If I don't respond, please don't spam me //;v;// I have a personal life where shit tends to happen, wait at least a day before tagging me.

5. Please be descriptive, 3+ lines are a must since I don't really like roleplaying using small talk like, "She/He smiled." As it doesn't move the story in any way.

5.5. Also be sure to be somewhat descriptive in your forms!

6. You can have up to two Oc's, but please tell me their crush before the Roleplay starts if I ask.

7. You play as my Oc's crush I'll play as yours, just to make it fair and even!

8. Password is Come Alive

9. A three strikes kind of rule will be set up, meaning that if you break a rule I'll tag you back here. If by the third time you still don't understand, I will unfortunately have to kick you out of the roleplay and delete our chain. If you try to come back again, I will have to block you.

♡   So please just follow the rules and respect everyone here  ♡

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