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So to start off I'd like to share some background information about me.

I was born in Oklahoma, I've moved all around the U.S. and my parents divorced when I was 7 years old. As a kid we never really went to church and when we did a lot  of the time we did attend it didn't feel like the pastor or preacher was speaking from God.

This is a common mistake Christians make as they turn to what they want to hear rather then following his words. They create a picture of this almighty and merciless being. God is almighty but he is merciful and full of love. People create this image of God before they come to know who he actually is. I mean even now a lot of people see God differently and I hope to show you who God is and just how much he loves you. My job as one of his followers is to spread his word and that's why I hope to do here.

Any questions you may have I would be happy to answer them to the best of my abilities.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2019 ⏰

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