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I walk into the alley and look at the fluorescent sign flickering in front of me. I tie my torn-up jacket around my waist and push the door open, its screeches announcing my entrance. The room is filled with gruff, grimy, sweat-stained men yelling and cheering while the air is thick with the smell of blood and beer. The floor of the ring is crusted over with blood and, from the looks of it, a couple of teeth. The walls are peeling and are splattered with various pictures of naked women. Rock music blasts on a speaker on the wall, but you can barely hear it over the men screaming. The one lightbulb hanging down from the ceiling flickers and rocks softly as two men beat the living shit out of each other. One of the guys punched the other in the gut, causing him to cough up a shitload of blood and double over. Cheers roared throughout the room as a topless girl struts into the ring and raises the victor's arm into the air. The unconscious guy is dragged into the crowd as another man steps in. This one has their hair in messy dreadlocks resting around their face, tall, and has a skinny figure. His face is also sprinkled with tattoos and he has giant bags under his eyes. He looks like a twig. People begin to jeer and laugh at him, but he doesn't bat an eye. The girl quickly steps out of the ring and the shriek of the bell signals them to start.

The original guy swings a violent punch towards him, but the new guy grabs him by the wrist, pulls him forward, and kicks him in the jaw, blood spurting out. He falls over but quickly pulls himself back up. The crowd goes wild, jeering and whistling out to them. He swings but misses, and the new guy grabs him in a chokehold. He claws and kicks at him, trying to get out. The guy holding him sinks his teeth into one of his fingers and vigorously tears it off. Blood begins to spray everywhere and he lets out a blood-curdling scream. The crowd is in a frenzy and I see someone take the finger out of the ring. One guy with thick, curly, brown hair jumps up on the edge of the ring and is yelling louder than the others. The new guy then takes the other guy's head and slams it down on his knee, immediately knocking him unconscious. The crowd cheers and the same topless woman steps up again and raises his arm in the air.

For a few moments, no one got into the ring with him until one man pointed at me and yelled: "I wanna see this bitch get up there wit' him!" The crowd starts to cheer in agreement.

People begin to push me around and a wave of anger rushes through me. I swing myself over the ring and the guy, still with blood dripping out of his mouth, smirks at me. I don't let it phase me and I untie my jacket and toss it out into the crowd. The woman gives me a stern look and stomps out of the ring.

The bell rings and the guy lunges at me like a wolf. He takes me to the ground by the neck and whispers into my ear, "Don't worry, sugar. I won't hurt you." His scraggly voice sends chills up my spine.

I throw him off of me and pick myself back up. I swing at him but he kicks me hard in the stomach. The crowd starts to laugh and mock me as I attempt to stand back up. I make it onto my hands and knees when the guy stomps on my back, pushing me back onto the ground.

He bends back down to my ear again and whispers, "Try harder." in a mocking voice.

I attempt to stand up when he stomps me down even harder. I groaned and the crowd starts to mock and jeer me. He kicks me over by the side and I curl up on the ground in pain. The bell goes off again and the topless woman comes back with a mean smile on her face. I jump out of the ring in anger and grab my jacket. I stomp out the door and sit out on the curb.

I pull out a cigarette and use my hand to block it from the night breeze. The cheers from inside the club continue to echo out, but I try my best to ignore it. I take a long drag out of my cigarette and I slump down in defeat. I pick so many fights that I almost always lose. I really can't fight for shit, but people are always getting on my fucking nerves. I think about heading back to the underground apartment I live in when I hear the club door screech open. The man from before walks out and squats down next to me. I look into the distance and I try to tune him out.

Leeches In My Skull (a $uicideboyS Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now