chapter 3

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Gemini P.O.V

"Why me?" I said again 'why do i need to lost my holow now?' I thought to myself but still why me of all the Angel in heaven?!

"Well this is bad" Aries said "oh really? You think?!" I said to him "okay, okay just saying you don't need to get mad about it jeez" Aries sigh "you know you change so much seen's the last time i saw you" Aries start to say " you're not like my 'best friend' Gemini and you are not like my 'rival' Gemini, you change so much that i can't even tell before if you are you" Aries laugh a little after saying that

You change to you know

I chuckle to myself after thinking that

But it's true because when we were still best friend he was much more childish then he is now

"Hey can i ask you both something" this time Virgo is the one talking "ask away" i said to her "how do you guys know each other?" She ask

"Well we-" "we use to be to best friend when we were kids" i was about to answer her but i was cut off by Aries

"Oh yeah whats you're name anyway Angel?" Aries ask Virgo "oh right i forget to tell you my name huh well my name is Virgo nice to meet you" Virgo answer

"So what are we gonna do about your holow Gemini?" Virgo ask " how the fuck should i know?!" I said and Aries punch my head "what the fuck was that for?!" I said to him

"How can you be an Angel when you always curse huh?" He said to me i glare at him "well you curse to so fuck off" i said and glare daggers at him "ok now don't you dare give me that look i'm a Demon so it's different if i curse you but you're an Angel you're supposed to be pure" he rolled his eyes at me

"It's the same thing" i said to him " never mind you won't listen to me anyway" Aries sigh

"One-san!" I heard a voice say that from behind us i trun around to see a cute little Angel looking at us


Libra P.O.V

I was looking at Gemini and One-san and someone else

'Who is that' i ask myself

He has black-red wings and horns?


He is not an Angel his power level is more like a Demon?!

Wait a Demon what's a Demon doing here?! And with Gemini and One-san?!

Is that why their in the river of sins? Did that Demon make them go there? Is One-san hurt? I better chek on her

"One-san!" I glitch my way to my One-san to see if she is ok

"One-san are you hurt?!"

"Are you ok One-san?!"

"Why are you here One-san?"

"Did something bad happend?!"

I ask a lot of question to my One-san

"Hey kid we're still here you know" a low and deep voice said from behind me. I trun around just to be met by two black-red orbs it was beautiful like a red rose yet dangerous at the same time "One-san!" I glitch my way to her "scary" i said to her "who is scary Sanny?" I point my finger at the Demon and slowly said "him"

The Demon look around and then point a finger to hisself "me?" He ask and start to say "ok i know i like to torture and kill a lot of people and cut their finger off but i can still be nice sometime you know" the Demon said a smirk came to his face

That's even more scary

"That's not helping you know that right!" I heard Gemini voice say i take a little peek and see that Gemini is in the river of sins and i notice something where's his holow? And then i look at the Demon again


I thought

3rd person P.O.V

Libra finaly got out of her hidding place and glitch her way to Libra so she doesn't have to fly pass Aries "Gemini where is your holow?" Libra ask cutely "over there" Gemini points his finger to his broken holow

"How did that happend?" Libra ask again "he fell when Virgo start talking nonsenses to us when we were figthing" Aries said chatcing Libra off guard

"How do guys know each other anyway?" Libra ask not looking at Aries because she don't want to look Aries in the eyes "me and Gemini are childhood friends well we  use to be" Aries said "Libra i once told you that i have a childhood friend that is a Demon but after i say the 'Demon' part you ran away" Gemini said and laugh as Libra pout "i don't like Demon back then" Sanny said

"Oh yeah" Libra said and then look at the other "Oh yeah One-san Gemini and um... whats your name mister?" Libra ask Aries "my name is Aries" Aries said looking at the little Angel "oh ok anyway i found something one my way here" Libra said as then she when to look for something in her back

 whats your name mister?" Libra ask Aries "my name is Aries" Aries said looking at the little Angel "oh ok anyway i found something one my way here" Libra said as then she when to look for something in her back

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(Libra's baggy)

When she finds what she was looking for she took it out and the other's eyes widen

A gun! It's a fucking gun!!


Oh yeah chapter 3 is done oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah

Don't forget to vote my story

Oh and after all the characters is out i will have a Q&A

Ok see you guys at the next chapter

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