Chapter 1 : So this likely is the another world

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Year 2024 , Unknown place in earth

"Finally after wasting 5 years of my life to unlock this achievement , i know what this languange secret that even the creator itself doesnt aware. With this thing i will conquer this world security system"

23:59, 29 February Year 2024

"All i need is , to revenge to this corrupted world " 


The program is now launched from an unknown place to the world, and make the whole online thing messed up. Government data , secret data , commoner data all of those was stolen and encrypted in a whole program dimensional disk (PDD) . All of bussiness in that time was suddenly going bankrupt , even the anonymous doesnt know who was behind this mess. The thing that left was.... the new hell called network apocalypses and the man who behind this, Au_G+en [ Augen ].

Augen:"That was pretty tiring doesnt it? guess i need to see this new world picture."

[ Breaking News : " Network Apocalypses make everything in this era worse than anything before " , FBI and all of the national agency's was deployed to search who the mastermind behind all of this. But dont worry! we will soon face the new era of peace. Regard C*News."]

Augen:" dont made me laugh u scum media , i can even hack your television signal with this program if i want. but, who will spread my work here?" ( giggling )

1 year after that event , many new bussiness come up and the government try to restore as much data as they lose it, eventhough the agency that has been deployed cant never found the culprit behind this.

Augen:"Well time to create the new world of programming, this program language is the mix of the legendary program language from egypt and the latest program language FortC+P25. I will create the more powerful program that beat even the secrecy of malbolge."

But suddenly when he tried this thing, unordinary event was happening. his whole screen computer was distored to some y axis.

Augen [in panick] :" WHAT?! WHAT HAPPEN TO MY PC ? WASNT THE ALGORYTHM WAS CORRECT ? ( the pc distorting screen suddenly stop ) . [The Secret Y coordinate] what is this? "

-zzzzzz Zap Zap Zap Zap Zap Zap Zap Zap Zap Zap zzzzzzz-

[ { x!fjqewifji0g00m!ewv$en^@m3n71I0N4U5312Au_G+en!X153K1n0h$k3rS31235@$#!"
   : C# X00XXX-XX11XX-X33XX -pt : Y'10001'111'11'1'1x#FGCCCPpp)2z.ex7z has been executed }]

The computer and his entire building vanish in explosion itself. 




[wh.....wha.....what.............what happen?........................]


[w3....w3 what?]

a blink for a while , augen just realize that he standing in an altar and there is a handsome man hologram and also a console hologram infront of him.

Unknown entity:"Oh? are you suprised you wakeup nowhere after an explosion? what a weakling we have here"

Augen:"?? Who are you?" (poker-face)

Console G:"oh you're not really suprised , okay let me introduce myself. I am just a normal entity you called Console on your previous life, and yes you're died"

Augen:"console? died? what the fu-- how am i supposed to died? the last thing i remember was clicking something above my pc screen!" ( little emotional face )

Console G:"Well that your fate, thats not my purpose to talk with you here though, meanwhile i need to explain the next thing you need to do in this another-life"

Augen:" You mean like those weaboos story [Isekai] ? "

Console G:"Weaboos? well [Isekai auto translation to x!4432 mean:an0th3r w0rld] , yes it is"

Augen:"Fine , i'm used to it while i'm still on 9 years old (remembering otaku and weebs life ). So what will exactly the another world looks-like?"

Console G:"Here's a book [System Grant Item : id-000 to p:Augen ] , read those by yourself and sell it if you need your starter pack on the coordinate placed on that book's last page. Oh i forget something, for your reward from your previous life the God has given you a program spin machine to me for you to play. You will get something good there"

Augen:"(taking book) hmm, okay lets play that thing you mention"

[ God Spin Machine ]

Reward : Blue - Money , Rare Weapon , Rare Knowledge , Rare Item , 1 house (90%)

               Purple - 5xMoney , Epic Weapon , Sage Knowledge , Epic Item , 1 Land ,                           1 additional spin (9%)

              Legendary - 100xMoney , 1-Hit Weapon , 1 part of God Body , Heavenly Item ,                     1 New Planet (1%)

              Impossible - Not get anything 0.0000000000000000001%

[Spin Button ]

Augen:"That impossible is a joke doesnt it?"

Console G:"No, thats not there are 3 people like you who get that thing and going to this world without anything like lmao"

Augen:"Well let try this sh&t"

[ Spinning power : 11111 ]

[ Spinning in progress ]

[ Spinning slowing down ]

Augen :"O.o"

Console G:" What a beginner luck , and now lets teleported to you random coordinate! "

[Giving the God Spin Reward and teleporting P:Augen to randomTPX.Y.Z.#]

Augen:"WOAHHHHHHHHH (falling from cloud to sea) , this f%%kin' program is messing with the Y coordinate doesnt it. Well with this thing i will do the thing here easily"

( WANT to know the reward Augen got? go read the next chapter ! 

Chapter 2 : Where is the the coordinate? ) .....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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