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Harry: Hey, I know I shouldn't DM you like this, but I just want to apologize for what happened today. I'm really sorry.

Louis: It's okay, it's not your fault anyway

Harry: Yeah, but it still feels like it was partially my fault
Lately, I've been going there every morning and I should've expected that something like this would happen

Louis: There's nothing wrong with wanting a cup of coffee every morning, so you shouldn't feel guilty about it

Harry: Okay, thanks, that makes me feel better

Louis: But you know, it must be hard for you, like you can't even get your coffee without getting mobbed by fans

Harry: I mean, I love my fans and I really appreciate them, but yeah it can be a bit overwhelming sometimes

Louis: Yeah I can see that

Harry: I hope I can still talk to you somehow 'cause I really like talking to you

Louis: That wouldn't be a problem, I really like talking to you too btw

Harry: Yeah?

Louis: Yes

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