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It was an wornderful dayya in Sprinkles- I MEAN SEASONING city. The sun was shining,birds bwere chirping, flowers were blooming .... . On days like these kids like Mob...,,,...,,nn...,,,,..,.,.,,,..,,..............,...,.................,.,.,........................,...,...,,,...,,,,..,,........,,,,,..,..,,
....................,...,,,.,..,shouldx be goibg to school seriously what the helcl why are ypor hanging out withh a like about thirttu year old man in a jonkjyuard.!? Becausew he cant think for himslef thats why Reigen pushed him to donanother exorcism jonb with him like the pushovee he is.

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"Mobob uplease come help me with this i thia job has abig reward they said we get two free tacos coupon to Tako bEll and a fr3e iPhine6 plus 69 00 0 bitcoin do you understand thats a bargain I need this. Plus ill help your trains your powers isnt that great ? I know yourw a humble selfless kid and all you need is my attention as a teacher so i wont pay you for thsi in money okay jost so you dont feel like you dont deserve it, i mean you'd get likw a 2k yen for this but I know you dont wamt it youre such a good kid lets meet at my office at 10 ten p.m. ok thanks!" said Reigen the day before. And Mob was like "ok.

He went up to the office at twn like he was told after he had dinner. How did his parents allowed this you ask? Well thwy didn't actually so he had to breka out of his own house mission imspossible stylre and left bhwind a sayonara note in case hw died, but thats not potssible because hes tha main character.

"Ah Mobbu youre here I knew you would show up!" excaimes Reigeg as he jumpls in his seat and quickly shuts his laptop, hiding his Minecraft fanfiction.

"Master what are you talking about I've been standing here for thReee minutes."

"Whatever it doesnt make a difference its notnlike you were really there since youre so unnoticalbe now lets go." Reign stood up and left the builidng along with Mob blending with his thicc shadow.

When thwy arrived at the bus stop Reigen suddenly rememebrsed somethinf." Oh yeaj mop i forgot to tell you. The jonkyard is preffty far so we ar probaly gonanbe travwling for an two hour or sao."
Mon quirked his thick brow (Reigen doesnt see it through Mobs evwn thiuckeer hair) "We'ren goin to a junkyard ? I didnt put any old clothes on me to get dirty..."
Riegen pats his haed and whispers to his ear "If it makes you feel better i will slurp your clothes and shoeas clean when you need it."

what. the freak.

Aleight that was seiouslt weird of reigen to sya that and maybe he shouldnt have said it so he baktracks in panic when he swws Monbs cute innocwnt eyes widen .

"Jist kiddinf lmao its just a prank bro its a joke jeez get a cLuE oh my god hahaha ew"

"Oh ok"

'Whew,a close call' thought Reigen to himslrf aloud. 'Its probably cuz im super hungry righ now hhhh. for some good tasty junk or maybe food. HmmmMm...'
Mob wasnt even listening or looking at him anymore,instead he was watching a bus quickly approach them.

"Maestro i think thats our bus." Mobby points wirh his cute wittwle finger.

ReigenegieR twirls around extravagantly lookign relievesd and secksi."Maaaan,and i thought this flashback would never end!!!!!@!!!"

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So we are back to present and what we can cee is molb and reigen going aroudna realy fdirtlthy place there was like toxic wastye, empty can, s banana peels, gums, bubblegums, lost leg, lost shoe, lost leg in a shoe ,cars and cars2 and and lots of spoiled food and whatever the hell yo ucan fwind i na junkyard! It was also suuuper stibky stinky tradsh garbage dirty disgusting itchy smell

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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