Chapter 6

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Aurora refused to sleep for two days. It was agonizing for me, I couldn't charge or eat, but I didn't tell her. For those two days, while she was at school, I was lying in bed holding my sides. I hadn't been on an empty stomach for a while.

It doesn't matter; I reminded myself. I don't want her to be upset and going to bed would only make things worse for her.

I looked over to the clock, unable to move much else. It was at 11 o'clock. She still wouldn't be home for another 4 hours, and that was only if there wasn't an after school meeting. Hopefully, she'd make it home safely. This morning she looked so drained of energy, almost as much as I am now. Aurora could barely muster the strength to speak to Derick when he inevitably stopped by.

She just glared at him wearily and nodded to getting a ride to work. I wonder if that guy is always outside of our door. Does he listen to us cook, can he hear my tail switching around, or does he leave as soon as I kiss her? He probably thinks that if I weren't here, he'd have a chance. I doubt it. There's just something off about him.

Aurora also doesn't give people chances. She says people are terrible and as a result, she doesn't like to build relationships with them. I keep reminding her that she is human, but she always responds, "I'm better off without them."

I've asked her before, "Why are you a teacher if you hate people?"

"I don't hate kids."

"There's a difference?"

"In my opinion, children are a different species that are corrupted by evil humans. If they get a high enough dose of corruption, they become evil humans." Aurora responded. "I just want to be able to erase some of that corruption so that they can be kids longer."

After this conversation, I started to wonder if Aurora was a kid when that terrible thing had happened to her. I continued to lay there, and as I looked over, I saw that it was 1'oclock. I started to have a tingling feeling, and the smell of a buffet enveloped my nostrils.

What is this? I drifted into the dream world. Everything was gray... and quiet. I called out to her, "Aurora!"

"Sueno?" She asked from the corner of this strange gray world. Her voice seemed to echo and bounce off the wall.

"Why are you here?"

"I don't know," Aurora answered. " I was doing a lesson, but then I started to feel dizzy and then..."

"Are you injured?" I asked as I went to her.

"I think I just passed out...god my boss is going to be upset with me." Aurora realized. I held her for a minute in my arms.

"Stay asleep a little longer; you need it," I begged her.

"I don't want to stay here; it feels dangerous." She pleaded.

"I will protect you; this is my kingdom."

"Are you sure about that?" A shrill whispering voice asked. A burning man stepped out from the gray.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2019 ⏰

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