Recon Gone Very, VERY, Wrong.

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Y/N's POV, An Overhang in the Orb Vallis, on Venus...

"Alright, Sparky, what've we got?"

I flinch at Eudico's voice suddenly coming through the comms. Umbra notices and grips his Skiajati, thinking I'm in danger. Tapping my earpiece to calm him, I focus back on the Corpus base through my Remote Observer. "Looks like Nef caught wind of somethin', cause it is a mucking army down there. Patching ya through now." Static fills the comms before Eudico's voice becomes clear again. "Mucking- Sparky, get back here. We'll talk to Biz, make a plan. If Nef thinks we'll back down just cause he shows off his fighters, he's got another mucking thing coming. Good work." I shut off my end of the comms, my ear a little pained from the noise. "Umbra, let's go." He nods and I Transference back in control before hopping onto my K-Drive. Oh, how I love the feeling of speeding through the Vallis. Really warms me up. "Sparky, I'——tting—stra——nal. ——arky?" "Eudico? Eudico, I can't hear you. Getting static. Eudico? Muckers! Leave it to Nef to make comms so screwy in the Vallis." I hit the accelerator on my board, Roky's voice coming in clear now. "Glinty, Eudi wants me to talk to ya, chek? Some weird signal thing nearby. Eyes up, Glinty. Roky out, my logical fam." "Chek, Roky. Thanks for the head's up." Weird signal, huh? Odd. Nothing's out of the ordina- "WHAT THE HELL?! Yo, Eudico, I think I found that signal! Open the gates, OPEN THE MUCKING GATES!" A new Orb slams it's legs down as it chases me through the Vallis towards Fortuna.

"Tenno, meet my new Orb, The Void-Hunter. Trust me, you'll learn that once it sees its prey, it won't let up. Farewell, Tenno!" Damn, he's not wrong. No matter how much I swerve through the shroom forests, this Void-Hunter Orb won't give up! Well, one trick I could use. "Umbra, split!" I transference out of Umbra, Void Dashing away and cloaking. Umbra keeps riding on, trying to lose our pursuer. He almost does until a Raknoid knocks him off the board. A loud whine emits from the Void-Hunter Orb before a large Voidgate appears in the ground. "Muckers. Umbra, let's do this! Time for a T-Surge! Ordis, get the Orbiter ready for evac, NOW!" "But Operator, the Voidgate will pull us in!" "DID I MUCKING STUTTER, ORDIS?! EVAC! NOW!" I hear Ordis sigh as he preps the Orbiter for evac. Umbra and I close the distance between us before I transference into him again, gathering the energy for a transference surge, or T-Surge, as I call it. Once Ordis is in view with the Orbiter, I release all the energy I have built up at once, launching me out of Umbra and into the Voidgate. Umbra follows me soon after, and Ordis pilots the Orbiter into the gate with us. Unable to keep my eyes open anymore, I let unconsciousness consume me. The last thing I hear is Eudico's voice, crying out for me to wake up. Sorry, Eudico. I won't be making it back for girls night this time.

{Inside Y/N's Orbiter, ≈ 15 hours later...}

"Operator, wake up! It's been far too long, wake up!" "five more minutes, Ordis..." "Umbra, do something! The Operator can't sustain this sleep much longer!" Hey Kiddo. Get up. I bolt upright, sweating. "WHAT THE HELL?! WHERE ARE WE?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" My heart-rate slows as I look around to see my Orbiter, the pale lights glowing a soft (f/c). "We've landed, Operator. Please get up and EAT SOMETHING DAMMIT, you've been out for hours." I groan as Ordis' bi-polar mechanism kicks up again. I really should fix that. "Ugh, my head. How long was I out?" "Fifteen hours, give or take a few due to our spacial displacement. The amount of energy you released on the Vallis rendered you completely unconscious. Nothing I did could wake you, so I asked Umbra for assistance." I rub my temples, groaning at the pain of moving around. Not doing that again for a while. "Where is Umbra anyway? And what planet are we on?" No response while he likely searches the databanks for a planetary analysis. While he looks around in the Codex, I grab my mask and scarf, slipping it on and wrapping the scarf around my neck. "Now, where's my Oculus?" "Analysis complete, Operator. Umbra is the Somatic Link room, meditating, and your Oculus is up in navigation on the Codex desk. Umbra placed it there while carrying you to your bed. As for the planet, I was unable to find any records in my databanks, but light scans of nearby cities suggest we are on a planet called Remnant, in a region called the Emerald Forest." I nod, knowing he can see me. "Thanks. Umbra! I'm up, time to stop meditating! Get out here, we're going to do some recon soon!" I wince while I yell. "Nope, too loud. No yelling." I continue to massage my temples while moving, the pain dulling a bit, now more a soreness than actual pain. Umbra soon joins me in Navigation, wearing his Sunder helmet as usual.

I grab my Oculus off the desk of the Codex, putting it on and sitting on the floor in front of the market desk. "What's our next move after recon, Umbra? Any ideas?" Silence. I drop my head, smiling behind my mask. "Right. Haven't gotten you a voice thing yet. Uh, just write it down on this." I grab a marker and board from the bin next to me and hand it to him. Need to clean, too. By the Void, this is gonna take a while. Umbra taps my shoulder, signaling he's done writing. On the board are multiple Orokin symbols, causing me to sigh. "Ordis, pull up the translation guide for Orokin symbols." A screen appears in front of the board, translating the symbols into english for me. We should meet with the local inhabitants of the planet, see if we can find out more. "Nice plan. Now that I think about it, you were a Dax tactician before Ballas screwed you over, right?" He nods, rage starting to boil in his visible eye. "Chill, no need to get angry. He's dead. We made very sure of that." I keep the part about his being turned into a half-Sentient thing to myself, knowing that if I didn't, Umbra'd go off on a rampage again. "Alright," I push myself off the floor, feeling close to 100% again. "Let's get going. We'll do some recon, maybe get a few scans for you, Ordis, and then head off to meet some of the inhabitants of the cities nearby. Sound good?" Umbra nods, and stands with me. I Transference into him, and the two of us head out, Corinth on our back, Aklex Prime at our sides, and Broken War in hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2019 ⏰

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