Seriously Niall?!

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Chapter 3

Authors Note: Hey guys! Thanks for reading my story its my first one so bear with me. Well anyway, tomorrow is Niall's birthday!!!! Dont forget to wish him a happy birthday!! Well anyway, I wont be able to update this weekend and next weeken because my cousins are visiting D: so yeah. Well bye!


Amber POV:

"What is he doing? Does it have to do with me or One Direction or even food? Why wont he tell me??!!" I thought to myself.

I heard my phone vibrate on my nightstand. I glance at it, then at Niall. He had a devilish and sly smile on his face. When I reached for my phone, he walked and my room and said, "You're welcome..." Then I quickly grabbed it and on the screen read: Text message from: Louis Tomlinson. So I unlocked my phone and this is our text convo:

Louis: Aww, you like Harry! How cute! But hes mine ;)

Me: Ugh! Let me guess, Niall told you D:

Louis: Yeah but dont worry, he told all of us not to tell.

Me: wait, he told allof you guys?!

Louis: All except Harry. i gtg, Niall invited us to stay the night so I will see you in a few hours. bye

Me: Bye

Niall's POV;

I heard a knock at the door and I knew it would be the boys. "Amberrrrrrrrr!!!!" I yelled up the stairs "Niallllllllllll!!!!!" she yelled back. "get the door!!" I commanded playfully. "you get it you lazy bum. your closer" she yelled "fine then"i said as i got up from the couch.

When I opened the door all of them came inside and they all sat on the couch. Making themselves at home. "Wheres Amber?" Asked Louis looking around the room. "She's Upstairs," I said with a calm and mellow tone. "Harry, could you please go get her and ask her if she would like to join us?" Zayn asked trying to get Harry to leave so we can come up with a plan to get the two together. "Sure." He said walking up stairs.

Harry's POV:

"Why did they send me up instead of her brother? Maybe they just wanted me and her to talk more. But why wouldnt they send anyone else up to get her? Oh well." I knocked lightly at her door, "Amber?"

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