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//i forget to mention that some events in past were added od removed so if you don't like this just go away

Buck pov. (yaaaassss)

I was walking home from school. Again. Because dad forget to pickup me up from lot. When i was entering Strangetown, lot of thoughs get throught my mind. I still remember the murder and robbery of whole Smith family. When rober go to our house. When he decided its gonna
be easier to stab me under rib. That scar still hurt. But dad heard my screams and im time scared intruder.
I need to focus on school. This incidents are still im my head! I looked up.
I get the keys from my backpack and went inside. I locked doors and put my backpack on the floor. I saw a little sticky note on the counter. I grab it and read what is writed on it.
"Buck, if you come home before me or your brother, you have some leftovers in the fridge, just heat it.
I was tired so i went to my room and fall asleep.
Hi its me! Welcome to first chapter of my story!! uwu hope you like it!
If i writed something wrong just mention  and i will correct it! :)


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