Rusted Joints - Chapter One

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"The project is almost finished, sir. We need to adjust a few things, then she'll be done."

"Wonderful. Is she working properly so far?"

"Yes, sir. She just needs a few tweaks. Her joints are slightly rusted, and we need to fix the places for the organs to be put into place."

"Of course. Do as needed. We want the family to get their money's worth."

"Yes, sir. We wouldn't want to let them down. She's been unknowingly waiting for centuries. "

"Exactly. Soon we will replace the metal with human organs. Then we deliver her to the family."

"Do we have a donor for the organs, sir?"

"Yes. Her old ones were frozen and kept in good enough shape. They should work fine, but if not, we'll use the ones of the donor."

"Of course, sir. When will we work on her organ surgery?"

"After we figure out if her build is stable enough. Like I said before, we want the family to get their money's worth."

"And the Cyl project? What about her? The family paid lots of money, too, right?"

"We'll use her parts for this one. There's no use for her. We've tried as much as we could, and her project still wont work.  I've taken liberty of explaining that the project may not work in the end. and her project still wont work. Unless you'd like to take her project into your hands, and try to finish her?"

"Of course, sir. I'd love the challenge. I can only imagine how the family would feel if she didnt work, and they didn't get their daughter back."

The two men exchanged nods. The Aiden project was put into place. Everyone hoped it would work. The Azrum family was paying plenty of money to bring her back, and they weren't going to let the desperate family down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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