Being found

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A/n-Arcadia at the top

Chapter 1
Arcadia's POV-

I shuffled around in my cave after just finishing my meal that I had caught. My nose twitched smelling someone new at the opening of my home. I turned my huge paws hitting the ground lazily heading to the rock sticking out of the ground directly in the middle. I stood to my full height which was taller than the tallest troll or even the goblin king. Given this was only my second tallest form,but was my most muscly,elegant and demanding. My muscles rippled ready to pounce shall the need arise, my cold face never leaving even in this form.

The feet step into the only light available from the medium sized hole in the ceiling. I watched as grey robes swished as the person walked knowing exactly who had come. The feet stopped a good distance away knowing to stay away when in the presence of me. Gandalf the grey smiled a bit hesitantly towards me, he took a breath and spoke, "Arcadia,my dear it has been quite sometime." I let a growl out knowing he was stalling, "Speak Gandalf for I am not in the mood for your riddles!" I snapped.

He flinched away chuckling nervously. "Ah yes I have come to ask for your assistance in a quest to help Thrains son Thorin help reclaim Erebor, along with twelve other dwarves and a hobbit." I moved my head the slightest to the left, "I will help Thorin Oakenshield, to repay what his father did for me in the war. Nothing else Gandalf," I growled out already irritated with his presence. He clapped, "Good good, then in three days time come to the shire, you will find a mark on a door. It will be the meeting place," Gandalf said walking away half way through his sentence.

I scoffed walking down toward a hole in the very back wall, I shifted walking towards my weapons and pack to get ready to leave for it would be late the third day I would arrive.

I trailed along the rode towards the shire, weaving through the trees perfectly. I was even more late than I was planning for I had ran into a pack of orcs, by the time I had finished with them it was way past the sunset. The walk there was a breeze but finding the mark was a bit harder. When I did end up stumbling upon it I could hear laughter and crashing from the little house. I walked forward my cloak covering my face and knocked three times. The noise ceased until I heard small feet shovel to the door. I stood to my full height looking down at the hobbit that had opened the door. He seemed terrified but stuttered out, "B-Bilbo Baggins a-at your service." I sneered, what was Gandalf thinking bringing a runt on this journey. "Arcadia," I said my voice having a growl wrapped around it as always. I walked through the door not bothering to ask permission. I ducked when a chandelier was about to hit my head, grumbling in annoyance. I walked till I entered a dinning room of sorts with different chairs and tables all smushed together to make enough room. I set my eyes on many dwarves all sitting with Gandalf leaning on a wall to the right. The dwarf at the front of the table stood an angry expression on his face, "Who is this Gandalf!?"

"This would be Arcadia," he stated smoking his pipe all the while. I walked more in to the room then removed my cloak. My white hair falling down my back while I heard some of the dwarves gasp. My eyes were cold my face expressionless, my scars and tribe tattoos on full display. My eyes hardened more, I hate that word.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2019 ⏰

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