An Epic Clace Story: What's His Question?

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Author's Note: I have recently taken partner ship  with a really good friend who is also a fangirl but has not read T.M.I but she does understand the concept of Clace she will greatly improve my writting. Sorry I haven't posted in a while but I have been at my mom's house sadly. But I will post as much as I can over the course of these two days. I love you all and thank you so much for 19 reads!!!! Sorry that the chapter is so long but I felt like I owed it to you guys. Chapter 3 What's His Question?: As soon I get into my house I went and dropped all the bags into my clostet then I changed into red and green plad christmas shorts that i have owned for years -they almost don't count as shorts- and a black tanktop that is really loose. I kept the black lacey bra on because I'm to lazy to change out of it for a red sports bra. Then I text Jace 'Wear your Pj's' ~Clary 

'Okay, I'll be there soon.' ~Jace. 

Then I texted my mom 'When are you and Luke going to be home?' ~Clary 

'We won't be home tonight but I dropped off some extra money, it's in your room on your desk, under the pencil holder cup.' ~Jocelyn 

I go to my desk and look under the pencil holder to find $30 and a note. 

        "Me and Luke came by and dropped off this money around 3 for dinner. We still haven't finished the errands we were on earlier so we won't be home tonight. We will be home tomorrow around 10am so we can dicuss some important family buisness. I'll see you then, I love you. Mom." 

        I just remembered, I have lots of new clothes that need washing if I am to pack them up in time. I get up and walk over to my clutter filled closet and pick up all the shopping bags. I had just regained my strength and had forgotten how heavy they all were. When I walk out of my room towards the washer when I feel like a ton of bricks has been lifted off my shoulders. I turn around to find Jace in a pair of black and blue plad pajama pants, a tight fitting black v-neck shirt, and his new favourite leather jacket -the last one was destroyed by a flying demon that had taken me onto Valentine's ship- was carrying half of my shopping bags in his arms. "Thank you so much, you don't know how heavy all those bags are on my fragile arms. Izzy sure doesn't think that there is something called to much, it seems like she neve gets tired." I tell Jace. "Now follow me I have to wash all these so I can get them packed up and ready to move." I walk into the laundry room and set my bags down in a straight line then taking them one by one from Jace. "Now I have to read all the washing instructions. I'm most definately washing all the stuff from Pink first."

        "Now my beautiful, before we get into the fun of washing all your laundry and packing it up I have an important question to ask." Jace states with a smile. 

        "And what would that be?" I ask 

        "I was wondering if... ugh.. maybe you would..... ummmm... maybe want to move into my room wuth me when you move into the institute. I mean we are getting pretty serious..... and ummm..... I don't kow I just thought it was a good idea." Jace stammered, smooth and perfect Jace, had sweat glistening on his brow as he stared at me intently waiting for an answer. It almost broke my heart to see him so scared to ask me a question.

        "Jace, I thought you would never I ask! I would love to move in with you! But the only problem is I won't have enough closet room so I would either have to deal with the scary rath of your sister by refusing to go shopping with her, or I could just have most of my stuff occupy the room next to yours." I told him 

        "I think that your stuff should occupy the room next to mine because only the angel knows what will happen if you refuse Isabelle Lightwood. But this is great we can be a closer couple once we live together. But don't make my room or bathroom super messy you know how neat I am." After he said that he laughed. "Now you said you were going to start with stuff from Pink what is that store again? I can't keep track anymore." 

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