1A - The Discussion

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Notable OCs up until now that I own: Pegasus Lance; Andromeda Shinta; Taurus Daniel's Gold Saint Generation;

Notable Original concept (until now): Sanctuary Town;

Recurrent/Cameo OCs belonging to Jenny DeVic: Cassiopeia Cassandra; Behemoth Torak (Toruk); Mrs. Schafurwatt

Recurrent/Cameo concepts belonging to Jenny DeVic: 88 Knights Festival; Golden Line Heritage; The Great Bodyguard legend; The Sanctuary-sponsored orphanages; Andromeda Island's geography

Author notes:

-To Wattpad readers: This story is available with all its posted chapters (34 as of this posting) on Fanfiction.Net

-To new readers: The age of original characters of the Saint Seiya manga/anime have been altered to fit with the events of the story. Moreover, always keep in mind that the story takes place during the 1970s, approximately fifteen to twenty years, depending on what I decide for the characters later on, before Seiya gets his Cloth.

Please enjoy and review.



Sanctuary, Star Hill, early May of 1960...


It was the middle of the night and Shion, former Gold Saint of Aries and current Pope of Athena, was feeling agitated and with insomnia. The day had not been particularly difficult, but he just felt restless for some reason. He had left his chambers in the Pope's Temple and decided to go out for some fresh air. He contemplated a walk around Rodario or just gaze at the magnificence of Athena's statue, but ended up deciding to go to Star Hill for some night time reading.

As he stood before Star Hill's temple and gazed at the night sky, he found that the stars seemed to have little to say to him, if anything. Every now and then, he would go to this place to see if the future had anything reserved for him and his Saints. Exactly two hundred and nine years had passed since the Lost Canvas War, however, and the sky was yet to say anything interesting to the new Pope other than the birth of a more powerful Saint every now and then.

Reminded of the old conflict with Alone, Shion's eyes turned to the landscape of Sanctuary. They eventually spotted the far off cemetery were Sisyphus's entire generation rested after one of the bloodiest battles at the Sanctuary. If he squinted right, he could even make out some of the largest crosses and mausoleums there. It was in situations like these, when he was reminded of how long his friends were dead, that Shion realized how old he had become.

After all, his body was but a shadow of its former self. His hair had turned white and his face and body were marked with wrinkles and warts. To a Lemurian like him, who lived decades of youth and power well beyond the lifespan of any human, the inevitable fall into weakness and frailty he was now experiencing somehow felt even more devastating.

Still, he had been a good Pope. Sanctuary was safe and sound and despite the World Wars the human race was still in one piece. Yes, Shion could be proud of what he had accomplished as the one chosen by Athena to lead her Holy Land. No one could take that away from him. He took off his black mask, knowing that no one would bother or spy on him in that sacred place, and looked up to the sky. "Athena, the time for your next reincarnation is not that far off, is it? Don't worry; Sanctuary is waiting for you safe and sound, just like I promised when you made me the new Pope." He thought to himself.

Shion was about to head back to the Golden Zodiac when the sudden sound of a wooden cane poking the floor along with weak steps was heard. Initially he thought it was the familiar sound of his equally aged friend Dohko walking around, but Shion's eyes widened when an unfamiliar voice was heard. "Good evening, your Holiness. It's a pleasant, well lit night to be outside, isn't it? Heh, Heh, Heh, Heh!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2019 ⏰

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