Chapter 1 Beginnings

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As I got out of bed, I slightly ruffled my silver/red hair, yawning. I put on a silver shirt with green trim, and a pair of green pants. A pair of silver shoes with green trim later, I headed toward my bathroom.

Brushing my hair, I put it in the Jasmine do and headed down stairs, my green eyes sparkling.

I walked over to my chest and opened it up. "Woah! I am low on wood."
I put on my armor and walked outside to my stable, opening the gate and leading out the second youngest of my horses. "Good morning, Misty." I murmured to the horse. I put a satchel over her back, along with a saddle. I also put armor on her. I went inside and picked up some rope, an ax, and my mail.

I decided to read my mail before I left.

Good thing I did.

'Dear Angel Dorson,

You have been accepted into our diamond class training course. You are to report to base at once.

Signed, Sargent Bel'

I was astounded.

Diamond class?!

I grabbed all of my armor for me and my horse, grabbed bread for the journey, apples for my horse, and weapons of every kind. I put all these things in the satchel, closed the gate, and set off for the base.

After awhile, I stopped to eat and feed my horse, then set of again.

Just as the sun was setting, I crossed the main gates into the base. "You finally decided to show up, hm?" barked Sargent Bel. "Sorry sir!" I dismounted my horse and walked her over to the stables. Tying her in for the night, I turned around and followed the Sargent into the building. It was a large building, made of quartz and marble.

He led me into a room packed with people. "Bronze, silver, and Iron classes, follow me! I'm Mrs. Bel!" A woman was leading ten,twelve,and fourteen year olds through a iron door on the other side of the room. I observed that the floor was made of marble, but didn't see much more because Mrs. Bel was back. "Would the Platinum and Diamond classes follow me please?"

I got up and followed her along with the sixteen year olds through the door." I will be showing you to your dorms where you will spend the next two years." explained Mrs. Bel as she showed the Platinum level class around their new dorm. As I continued to followed Mrs. Bel after getting the Platinum level situated, my heart skipped a beat as I realized that I was alone. "Um, Mrs. Bel?" "Yes,dear?" "Where are the others?"

"You're the only one entering the diamond class." I could not believe what I heard.

I was going to spend the next two years...


We walked in silence after that. After a few minutes, we came up to a Quartz building with an iron door. I let out a sigh of relief. At least I wasn't in danger! Mrs. Bel took me up a grand staircase in the middle of the hall and over to the door on the left and said,"This is the girls room. Solstice, the other recruit, is already training, so she will join us later in the downstairs eating area." I sighed again.

I had a roomy!

I walked in the room and took the green bed with gold letters, saying 'The World is Boss'. The other bed was black with purple letters, saying the same thing. I sighed and unpacked. I was in for a long night.


Hey guys! I hope you like my book so far! Please leave some comments and votes, cause this is my first book! Thanks!

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