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Spending time with Jongin and Sehun is very fun, but sometimes, they argue like they want me!

Jongin do like me, but just because its for my face *pout*

Everyone is like that...*sigh*


"Sehun is boring! Im fun to be with, you know?"

"What!? Im more funner! Dont you agree, my pretty sister?"

I laughed at his sentence. They can be stupid, or just pretending it; but i find it very cute.

"Dont argue now" I pat their shoulders and i held theyre hands and dragged them to a nearby park.

I was smiling from ear to ear while walking with them.

There was a moment of silence before we could say anything.


"Will you be mine?"

I wasnt shocked that much, but i get asked like that everytime before i was a senior. But this time its different.

"Hmm...i'll think about it" I stuck out my tongue at him cutely and skipped away from them.


I think im at the center of the park, and i lost track of them. Maybe they got home already.

I shake my head and sat down on the side of the fountain.

I closed my eyes, thinking about Jongin's question earlier. Do i love him?

Why do i have that feeling that he only likes me for my face?

I heard footsteps coming near. Weird? Im the only one here, though.

Looking around, i saw a familiar short silhouette behind a tree.

I may new him and or her, so i went to surprise that whoever it was.



"Uwaghh!" He got scared easily? My face isnt scary *pout*

"Kyungsoo-ssi? Why are you here?"

"M-Mollah! Its none of your business!" He glared at me.

"Are you stalking me?" I teased him.

"Definetely not! Jongin and Sehun told me to find you!"

"Why cant you approach me then? Is my face really that scary?" I pout too much~

"Can you please stop asking questions?"

"Hmm...그럼. Bye!"

Leaving him alone... was just boring.


I seem to be lost because after i left Kyungsoo-ssi, ive been walking and passing by the same park.

I frowned and sat under a street lamp.

"My feet hurt~" I whined and crossed my arms.

I stood up and took a breathe.

Looking around, i saw Kyungsoo's silhouette again.

I guess im born to have very sensitive....senses. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

"Why do you keep on stalking me? Its creeping me out" I pouted cutely.

"Im not stalking you! And its none of your business" He turned around.

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