stagedorks exp.head. pinkberry: shush (soulmate au)

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this is in a different timeline. christine and michael are friends. they're all in their 20s

Christine hates her tattoo- the first words her soulmate will ever say to her is "Oh, shit! Fuck! Hi! Nice to meet you!" She wanted something romantic, or at least nice, like her friend Connor who has "Woah. You remind me of a Chestnut Oak tree."  even though his soulmate has "That was the nerdiest fucking thing I've ever heard, ever."

She doesn't like cursing, but at least it's pretty specific. Loads of people, like Michael, have a simple "Hey" on their wrist. He constantly dated people and constantly broke up with them because they were also scorned with a similar mark. It's always easy to tell when someone isn't your soulmate- there's no spark, no fire, no connection.

"So I met this guy, right? Jeremy. He's awesome and I really like him- I've never felt the spark before, but he and I just hit it off. We've been on, like, three dates. This is our fourth, I guess." Michael rambles on, grasping his coffee in his hand. Currently, Michael and Christine are in a coffee shop, sitting right in front where the wall is just a giant window to the street outside. "Which is why I brought you here. You're going to have to judge him. To see if I feel the spark."

Christine narrows her eyes. "What? That's stupid. How-"

"Shush!" Michael exclaims and Christine obeys. "He'll be here soon. He's awesome. Super attractive, a little thin, definitely a twink, possibly a furry, and he likes video games."

"He sounds perfect."

And perfect he is. As soon as the door swings open to reveal a boy, Christine knows it the thin and attractive boy Michael described because oh god, how could they not be him. She finds herself wishing she could snatch him- when he looks into her eyes and smiles, it's like her entire world is on fire. Maybe Michael's wrong and Jeremy's her soulmate. But that-

Then, on his way over to Michael, Jeremy trips. He stumbles forward, "Oh, shit!" He shouts, grabbing onto their table to stop his collapsing. "Fuck!" He laughs and looks at his feet then back up at Christine, sticking one hand out and smiling with a goofy grin. "Hi! Nice to meet you! I'm Jeremy and obviously not very good at walking."

"Hi." Christine says plainly because holy shit, that's him, that's her soulmate. The smile on Jeremy's face falters slightly because he notices that's the word that she was supposed to say, but it reverts back to normal. Michael is dumbfounded. He knows Christine's tattoo, read it a thousand times, and now he just heard it coming from who he thought was his possible soulmate's mouth. Which is disappointing, at the least.

"We're not soulmates." Michael admits.

Jeremy frowns and stands up straight. "Did that fall give you so much second hand embarrassment that you're willing to possibly ditch your soulmate?" He says, and Michael is unsure if he's joking or not.

Christine juts her wrist out to show Jeremy and his eyes widen. "Oh! Hi!" He says, face erupting into a smile. "Woah."

"Woah!" Christine agrees, smiling back at him.

"I'll let you two be... Nice meeting you, Jeremy." Michael says and stands, leaving. Jeremy waves once and takes the seat next to Christine as they both begin to talk, laughing and happy. Michael frowns. He's happy for Christine, of course, but he really liked talking to Jeremy; he supposes they would still end up being friends.



Michael decides to grab a scone so he begins walking to the back of the shop. However, he slams into a shorter man with a red streak in his hair.

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