Depressed!Zhenya x Katrina

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Dimitri's P.O.V

It was dark. I don't like the dark, and for a very good reason. There are people who want to kill me. The shadows give them a perfect spot to hide. And personally, I don't want to stay in this shitty hotel for the rest of my life. Or, afterlife I should say I guess.

Katrina Chu was asleep right next to me, her raven black hair covering part of her face. The people who want to kill me want to kill her, too. I sighed, trying to bring myself away from those thoughts. Kat shifted, waving away her hair from her face. She looked at me with her bright red eyes, so full of innocence yet seeing so much horrid shit in this world. "You ok babe.....?" She asked tiredly, ending it with a yawn. "Yeah.." I responded. "Liar." Kat sat up and stretched. "What'chya doin' cutie?" I asked, not moving. All she did was shrug. I rolled my eyes at this and chuckled. She's so cute. 

I decided to go back to sleep, not caring if she layed her sexy body back up against me.

Katrina's P.O.V

As soon as Dimitri fell back asleep, I made my next move. I actually wanted to see my best friend, Zhenya, but Dimitri would never allow that. You see, the two are cousins, who both have a HUGE crush on me. What? I can tell. Anyways, Dimitri is really jealous of Zhenya, for reasons I don't know yet. This is the perfect time to leave to see him though!

I carefully got off the bed, and grabbed the spare clothes from Dimitri's dresser. I've left some clothes here before, so I dressed in that. A metallica tank top, ripped jeans, and the underwear and bra from yesterday. My grandpa's army jacket didn't match up at all with the outfit, but did I care? Nope! My brother Yuki was supposed to go into the army but, he's a ghost. Plus, I'll take that on if I don't become a hero. Plan B!

I scoffed as I looked in the mirror. Man do I look ugly. My pitch black hair was all frizzy and bed head like. I had bags under my eyes from the "games" Dimitri played last night. A fresh hickey on my neck to complement the others, along with a couple of bite marks on my body. Shit, I'm going to be in so much trouble!!

To fix this mess, I ran to the bathroom to start on my hair. Drenching it, brushing until it was smooth, and leaving it down to cover the back and sides of my neck. Opening my makeup bag, I started to blend and cover the scars and hickeys when I heard Dimitri's voice in the doorway. "Who you dressing up for?" "No one." I responded, going back to the makeup. I saw him roll his eyes in the mirror and head over to me. His hands traced my hips, to my sides, back down, leading to the top of my jeans. Hah hah bitch! These are fucking skinny jeans! He figured this out quickly though, and frowned in disapointment. "Katrina. What have I told you about these kind of things?" he asked, starting to nibble on my ear. "Get off, baby...... at least let me finish." He sighed at this, and for once, listened. 

I finished up quickly, covering up the bite marks, hickeys, and scars from me slicing my wrists. Putting on a quick swipe of mascara and barely a layer of lip gloss. I decided to keep this simple, not wanting Dimitri to have more suspicion. Just in case the makeup on my neck and arms got messed up, I put on the army jacket, kissing the patch for good luck before walking out of the bathroom and grabbing my backpack. Luckly, none of the gloss got on the patch. Dad would double kill me if that happened. 

Dimitri let me leave, without another word. He normally puts up a fight. Oh well. I made my way to the treehouse that me and Zhenya normally meet at. He was there, like always. This made me smile. "Zhenya!" I yelled up at him with a giggle, trying to catch his attention. But, he acted as if he didn't hear me. Was everyone acting weird today? I climbed up the ladder and went inside. "Hey, you ok? You didn't answer me....." I frowned, going and sitting in front of him. Zhenya seemed really sad. There was blood on the floor. Did his corrupt go out of wack or something? "Zhenya?" "Hm? Oh, hey Kat....." Zhenya barely responded, in a very sad tone. I put my hands on his cheeks and gently made him look at me. "Tell me what happened, Zhenya." He sighed, again, sadly, and weakly pushed my hands away. "Just, leave me alone, ok?"

"Zhenya, no! Something clearly happened and I want to know what it was!" He's never told me to leave before! "Zhenya," I growled, "show me your wrists." "No." "Why?" "Because, I don't want to show you." I sighed, anoyed by his answer. He was either slitting his wrists, or slitting his thighs, or my first guess was correct and he accidently killed someone. As soon as I grabbed his arms, he pulled away. Again, I tried, but he kept pushing me away. Eventually, I backed him up to a corner, where he couldn't escape. This made him give up, and show me. What I saw was horrific.

Zhenya's whole wrist up to his elbow was all just blood and cuts. Both of them. Overcome by worry, I immediately took off my jacket, and pushed it against the wound. "Where the fuck is your first aid kit?" I asked, clearly pissed. "Over there." Zhenya said, taking one arm away and pointing to a shelf on the wall. I ran to grab it, when Zhenya bolted out of the treehouse. 

It took a whole 3 hours, but I finally had him sitting on the couch, my father tending to his wounds. Nim tried to get to Zhenya, but nothing would make the boy talk. I was in my room, pacing around. What would make him do such a thing?! Who?! Why?! I eventually needed to get my wounds taken care of, my bottom lip now having a cut right in the middle from my teeth. Right after dinner later, I went straight to my room. Sitting down at my desk, I tried to figure this whole thing out. What reasons would Zhenya have? Wait a sec....... This is MY fault! Holy shit!! I did this to Zhenya........ This caused me to start bawling. This is my fault!! All my fault!!

I have no idea what time Zhenya came into the room, and started to comfort me. His touch was warm and gentle, unlike Dimitri. "Kat, calm down....... it's ok. Shhhh....... shhhh...... Everything's alright......" I opened my eyes at this. The room was dark, and we were in bed, me cradled close to Zhenya's chest. His shirt was all wet, probably from me crying. "I'm right here, it's ok......" I scooted away from him, checking his wrists. There was nothing there.

"Kat, whatever happened, it was just a dream....... I'm right here." Zhenya pulled me back close to him. I didn't object, and wrapped my arms around his back, burying my face in his chest. Slowly, my breathing calmed, his warm touch all that I could feel. "Better?" Zhenya asked, smiling down at me. 

"Of course........ now that I'm here with you."

"You were always with me, Kat...... even when you are actually somewhere else, I'm alwasy with you, and you're with me. I........ I love you, Katrina Chu......"

"Heh, I love you too, Zhenya Halibut........"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2019 ⏰

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