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he was honest about that. it had taken merely ten minutes for the boys to get to a complex, jonah retted at corbyn's shirt, whispering "third floor. 15b." to the blonde boy. corbyn nodded, using all of his strength to drag jonah up the flights of stairs and down the hallway. jonah was pretty much dead weight, and corbyn had to even fish the key out of jonah's left pocket.
he opened the white door, glancing around the living area, his eyes settling on a small kitchen. he pulled up a chair, setting jonah down. "okay, i need a washcloth." corbyn said, and jonah scrunched up his nose, pulling off his shirt and handing that to corbyn instead.
corbyn shook that off, turning to the sink and wetting the piece of clothing, humming to himself. he had to mentally prepare himself before turning back around to face the broken boy that was waiting. corbyn bit his lip, turning on his heel and tilting jonah's head up a bit, dabbing away the blood on his eyebrow and his nose and his lips.
"why are you hurt, jonah?" corbyn asked softly, pulling some chapstick out to rub some across jonah's cracked, bleeding lips. he hoped that jonah was too drunk to notice that corbyn carried around cherry flavored chapstick. jonah didn't reply, staring up at corbyn silently, shaking his head. he stood up, stumbling until he got to a sliding glass door that lead to a small balcony. he went out, corbyn following him.
they stayed silent, both equally afraid of saying something wrong.
corbyn sat on a lawn chair, watching as jonah pulled out a pack of cigarettes. he lit one, taking urgent, angry drags, forcing nicotine into his body. when he finished that cigarette, he pulled out another, lighting it and continuing his assault. corbyn bit his lip, standing up. "jonah, please stop." he said quietly, not knowing how to make jonah quit doing what he was doing.
jonah laughed bitterly, shaking his head. corbyn thought desperately, shaking his head. "i want to try." he blurted out, not having processed the words first. jonah seemed surprised, turning to corbyn slowly and pulling the poison from his mouth, offering it to corbyn.
corbyn didn't know what he was doing. he put the cigarette up near his lips, staring up at jonah helplessly. jonah nodded. "only breathe in a bit or you'll start choking. hold it for a second. let it out." he said with a shrug.
corbyn nodded, slowly doing as jonah said. he ended up coughing violently, gagging at the taste, feeling lightheaded. jonah sighed, reaching out to rub corbyn's back while he chuckled. "too much, blondie. a little less next time." he said, reaching for the cigarette which corbyn quickly stomped out, reaching into jonah's pocket to pull the carton away from him.
this courage was new to him. jonah's face grew colder. "blondie, give them here." he said slowly, and corbyn shook his head rapidly. "you're too pretty to destroy yourself, remember?" he said. that was not an acceptable answer to jonah who reached for corbyn, pinning him to the wall. corbyn cowered, his confidence disappearing. jonah looked at him menacingly. "don't you fucking dare tell me what i can and can't do." he said, reaching for the pack.
corbyn mustered his final amount of courage, throwing the pack off the balcony before shrinking back into the wall. jonah stared at him incredulously, clenching his jaw. "you're lucky that i don't want to hurt you, blondie." he hissed, pushing off the wall and going inside.
corbyn groaned, following him inside, helping him walk. jonah moved in the direction of the single bedroom, and corbyn helped him to the bed, rummaging through drawers until he came up with a pair of sweatpants for jonah. the darker boy snorted. "i don't sleep in clothes." he said, rolling his eyes.
corbyn nodded, trying not to watch as jonah peeled off his skinny jeans. corbyn bit his lip. "are you just staying here?" jonah asked a minute later, his expression still hard from the scene on the balcony. corbyn nodded uneasily. "i don't have a car. i can't get home." corbyn explained, looking anywhere but at jonah, his eyes trained on the plain white walls.
"stay. i'll take you home tomorrow." jonah said, and when corbyn's eyes snapped to jonah, he noticed that jonah's expression had softened a bit. corbyn nodded. "do you mind if i borrow some clothes to sleep in?" corbyn asked, and jonah shook his head, smirking cheekily.
"nope, boxers only." he said. "i have a no clothing policy. especially for you, blondie." he slurred, patting the other side of the bed. corbyn rolled his eyes, slipping off his jeans and leaving on his too long of a shirt. jonah sighed. "if you don't take that off, i will rip it straight down the middle and pull it off myself." he threatened.
the blonde squeezed his eyes shut, gathering courage before taking off his shirt, letting it fall to the ground. his cheeks flushed a tomato red, and he felt completely exposed, standing there in his space boxers. he felt like an eight year old.
he heard jonah chuckle. "hey blondie, come here." he said softly, taking corbyn by the wrist and pulling him in. now, for the record, corbyn was about as virginal as a person could be, and even just standing there in between jonah's legs while they were both nearly naked was almost too much.
"i hope you don't mind." jonah whispered, leaning in a bit while pulling corbyn closer by his waist. "i'm gonna steal your first kiss now." he finished before connecting their lips.
it was shocking to corbyn. he had never expected to strip down in front of the jonah marais before kissing him while they were in jonah's bedroom. it was surreal, and it was messy. and jonah tasted like smoke and alcohol. it burned in the back of corbyn's throat, but it was perfect. that kiss was everything corbyn had secretly wished for.
a minute later, jonah pulled back, grinning up at corbyn goofily before laying down. "c'mon." he said before slipping off his final article of clothing, his boxers falling in the pile of clothes on the floor.
corbyn turned a deeper shade of red, avoiding jonah at all cost, walking to the other side of the bed and getting under the covers.
it was horrible, really, how corbyn had just broken about every rule that his parents had ever given him, but he didn't care at all when jonah slung one arm across the blonde's waist, pulling him closer. "goodnight" was the last thing he heard before he fell into a dreamless sleep.

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