Chapter 1 *Part 1: If It Hadn't Been For...* Chapter 1

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"Jo!"  Someone was shaking me awake.  I opened my eyes and looked up at my best friend.  "C'mon, you're gonna be late!"  He then shut the closet door so I could get dressed and took off.

I rolled over, stretching.  I didn't want to get up, but I knew I'd be late if I stayed here.  The blankets were so cozy....

Bang!  Bang!   "Jo!  Get up or I'm leaving you to walk!"  And with that, I scrambled to my feet.  More than anything, I hated being alone.  I threw on a plaid button up over my pajama tank top.  Yanking on some jeans, I stumbled out of the closet.  I shoved my feet into my boots, thankful it'd been cold enough last night to warrant me wearing socks to bed.

I ran out of the room, shutting the bedroom door.  Kolten was standing by the front door, holding a slice of cheese and a strawberry.  "All I could scrounge up on short notice."  I took it and started eating, noticing that his parents were already gone.  He handed me my backpack, and we were out the door.

I got into his truck, and shut the door.  He got in and checked the time on his watch.  He cursed softly.

"What's wrong?"

He turned to me, glaring.  "We're late, Josefina!" he spat my full name.  "Do you understand?  Late!  I can't afford to be late today!  I have a huge test this mor-"  I put my hand on his shoulder, and he stopped talking.  I studied him carefully.  His eyes were bloodshot, he had bags under them.  His skin had a sickly sheen to it, and it was burning to the touch.

"Kolten.  What's wrong?"  He muttered something under his breath.  "You look like you haven't slept in a week."  His head dropped and he looked pointedly away from me.  "You haven't, have you?" I said quietly.  He looked at me, cheeks flushing and he shook his head.  I sighed.  "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to bother you."  I punched him in the arm.  Not too hard, but I'd learned not to be overly gentle with Kolten a long time ago.

"This," I gestured at his sad state.  "This makes me more bothered than you waking me up in the middle of the night."  I poked him in the ribs, and he shrugged.  I sighed again.  "C'mon, if you're so worried about being late, let's get to school."  He started the car, and I vowed I would get to the bottom of this later.  Or make him take a nap.  Or both.  Probably both.

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