Chapter Sixteen

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I am aware that she has to report to the office today at ten in the morning. I have been awake for the past five minutes watching Peace as she lays naked on my chest, her hands on either side of me. Last night was something else, I loved the sight of her shuddering in my arms. What can I say, I'm not a freak but I enjoy watching her at her peak having an orgasm. That's why I insist she keeps her eyes on me so I don't miss any moment. Some ladies pretend in that regard, imitating pornstars in both their screams and the part where they are cumming, they pout and behave as if there's a camera before them and they had to look good for their audience. It's such a shame.

But watching her have it brings this fulfilment to me that am the one bringing her this much pleasure. She has this flushed look on her face with a half smile sometimes, I can't describe it but it's so natural and not rehearsed that I can give anything to be with her at that most pleasurable experience. Her reaction is different each time she has her orgasm but she is a beauty to behold at all of those times and I find myself staring. I run my hand through her hair continuously earning a sigh from her. Even in slumber, she still responds to my touch. I can feel myself getting excited, but I have to behave, I don't want to wear her out more than I have done, she is making me behave like a hormonal teenager who can't control himself. I like it though cos she is so responsive and I believe she is my match made in heaven.

I slowly turn around making her lay on the bed, and I gradually release my hold on her, and back off from the bed before I wake her with my longing. We have been at it since yesterday evening, I think around five or six since we've set foot into this house. Right now I want to make us a simple breakfast and I believe she too would be famished when she wakes up and if I know her as well as I think, it won't be long. I cover her with blanket at the foot of the bed, freshen up and make my way into the kitchen.

Right now we are done with breakfast, but she insists that she would report to work as on schedule. I bet that when she finds out that I own the company, she might not be as dedicated as this. "would you like me to join you?" I ask her.

"right now, if I want to make it out of that shower and to the office on time, I don't think that would be a good idea" she smiles

"fine then. You've got an hour."
"And just like that she is eager to leave me and run off to...."

"shut up"

She keeps shaking her ass dramatically as she makes her way back to the room"

By the time she made it out, am dressed and waiting for her.
"wow! I've never seen you on suit before." she says as she makes her way towards me smiling.

"you look good in your corporate outfit" she is dressed in a fitted shirt, pencil skirt and little heel with minimal make up. I have observed she doesn't go overboard with dressing.

"thanks. And I like you on suit. I hope I haven't made you late. I mean this is 9.35a.m and I don't know how long it would take you to drop me off at my office and get to yours. Do you think... " she keeps rambling and I had to do one thing to shut her up. Kiss her and she responds immediately, when I broke the kiss, That gets her to just stare at me. Job well done.

"there, I have a meeting to attend by 11.30a.m so it's no biggie. You are not making me late. Come on"
I led her outside to one of my cars that had been prepared for me grabbing the key. As I led her to the car, I felt a tug on my sleeve as she halts.

"are we going in that car?"

"yes" I really don't want to have this conversation now.

It seems she relax a bit and walk with me. By the time I got in and take the wheel. She didn't stop staring at me without blinking. I can make a few guesses of what might be going on in her mind.


"my love"

"How much money do you have?"

I make eye contact with her to see that she isn't ready to back down.
"more than what you imagined." I can see confusion on her face. I lean towards her and hold her hand "I promise I would make everything clear to you when we return but right now, we have to get you to the office"
She nodded and relaxed.  I dropped her off and drove off to the venue where the meeting is held.


I was done with my report and documentation. I've had a tour of our floor and I believe that I would love working here. I have met a few acquaintances. By the time lunch came, I met up with Kate, Chika and Cassey. They are under the impression that I was given a royal treatment
"it hasn't been heard of that the company pays for your expenses as regards the interview." that was from Cassey

"and you got lodged in one of the best hotels around." says Kate dreamingly

"I know the company takes care of all expenses as regards training with limited allowance but you are one lucky girl. Congrats" that's Chika

"So where are you staying at? Asks Kate

"well right now, am staying with my boyfriend"

The girls hums different choruses of hmmmm. What is wrong with them

"your boyfriend, is he rich and sexy?" asks Chika

"and why would I tell you that?" I retort

"chill babe" she replies

"don't mind Chika, she has a thing for rich guys. In fact, she has been pinning for the boss. Oh we all are but she is the worst" that's Cassey

"you both are, count me out" that's Kate. I like her

"when you are trying to seduce your boss, that's recipe for disaster" I say to them

"the boss will fall for me before you know it" Chika says  are I fighting with her? But am starting to dislike her. She is the general secretary, her face is caked up, her outfit is a bit slutty, she talks and behaves like she is better than you and you are below her in every way. I have to be careful when it comes to her.
It came time for me to go, Philip sent a driver to come pick me up. I don't have to resume work till my week's off is due.

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