Chapter 3

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Jam's POV

"Can I just skip Gym class?" I whined.

"Nope" Mike said, popping the 'p'.

I groaned. I never liked doing Physical things, it's not that I'm not fit or anything. It's just that I'm slightly insecure.

Mike must be a good persuader because next thing I know is that I'm dressing up from Gym period. I looked around first before taking off my polo and grabbing my Gym shirt quickly.

I finally wore it without getting anyone to notice me. I looked down at my pants, I gulped as I realized that I have to take them off to change into gym shorts. All the stalls are taken and if I wait for them, time's gonna run out and Ms. Johnson will be making my life miserable if I was late just because I didn't want to change in front of numerous boys.

"You want a stall?" I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around and tried not to scream in surpise as I realized it was Kyle Smith. And he was wearing nothing but his boxers. Why am i suddenly nervous? Oh right, because the very attractive Kyle Smith is talking to me, meanwhile I'm just....wait. Did I just call Kyle attractive?

"Y-yes, but they're all taken." I managed to say.

 Kyle shrugged and started slamming one of the doors "Hey Ryan! Get the fuck out of there! Someone's waiting!"

"Can't he wait any longer?" Ryan said from inside of the stall.

"No! Now open this door before I break it down myself!" Kyle answered back.

I heard Ruan groan and I instantly felt guilty. "You don't really have to get a stall for me." I said, looking at the floor.

"Too late, I already got you one." he said as Ryan came from one of the stalls, he was only wearing his gym shorts but how come I didn't feel nervous?

Ryan glared at Kyle and looked at me and looked back at Kyle, although he kept a straight face.

"All yours." Kyle said,motioning his head to the stall. I smiled at him shyly and said "thanks". I quickly grabbed my things and rushed in the stall.

I stared at the wall. Was Kyle Smith, THE Kyle Smith being nice to me? Why?

I shook my head. Maybe I misjudged him. Maybe underneath that bad boy attitude, he's really a softie. 

I heard the whistel blow and realized I have 1 minute to change. I quickly changed into gym shorts and rubber shoes and busted out of the stall.

"jam! Thank god you're there." Mike said, sighing in relied. We were the only ones left.

"Let's get going, I'm not in the mood to run around the whole gym 10 times." I said and rushed off with Mike behind me.

"The girls will be playing volleyball and the boy will be playing basketball today!" Ms. Johnson said. Numerous boys and girls cheered but not me, like I said, I never really liked doing sports.

When the girls were finally on the other side of the court, Ms. Johnson said "okay, the boys will be divided into 2. Team A's captain will be....Smith." Kyle pumped his hand up in the air and grinned "and Team B's captain will be Zerekhall." Ryan smirked at Kyle.

"So pick your players."

Kyle looked around first, his eyes landed on me and he said "Jairus....right?" I nodded.

"well come on." Kyle said and I slolwy walked beside him. Mike gave me a wink and I stuck my tongue out. Unfortunately, Mike was in Ryan's team.

After everyone was picked, we went to our respective teams. The game was really intense the moment it started. I think it might have had something to do with Ryan and Kyle's competitiveness.

I just kepy passing the ball to anyone because I'm not the best shooter in the world. You can feel the tension in the court.

After an hour, Our team finally won.

"YES!" Kyle shouted and smiled. Ryan rolled his eyes and said "next time." but never the less he gave Kyle a small nudge.

"Congrats jam" Mike said, hugging me. I hugged him back "Thanks Mike, but you did great too."

"what are you guys? Gay?" I heard someone say. That someone was John Reynolds. Pretty ironic to hear that from someone who barely talks to boys because he's usually with girls, just like me but I just stick to Hayley, Dani, Eleanor, Natasha and Rina while he hangs with every chic he sees.

"Leave them alone John" Kyle spoke up.

John rolled his eyes and said "why?"

"becauise I said so." Kyle said simply.

"why should I listen to you?" John said.

"Break it up you two." Ms. Johnson said as everyone became silent and watched the two glaring at each other.

"You think you're all that but you're not. You just act all badass because you're a stinkin' nerd and your dad doesn't have a job." John said. 

I saw Kyle clench his hands into fist and gave John a punch on the face, causing John to fall on the floor.

Ms. Johnson blew her whistle and shouted "SMITH TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE NOW!" Kyle gave John one last glare before walking off. 

"Wow, that's the first time Kyle defended anyone besides me and his other friends." I heard Ryan mutter "plus he got into trouble."

Ryan and I's eyes met and I gluped and looked at the floor. Kyle got in trouble because of me.

"Jammy?" Mike asked as we both ate our food alone.

"Hmmm?" I said as a reply.

"I think Kyle likes you. i don't know if he likes you as a friend or more than that."

I choked on my food and Mike gave me water quickly.

"You okay?" he asked.

I nodded as I drank water. I finished the whole bottle and looked at Mike "Kyle? Like me more than a friend? You're crazy Mike." I said.

"And you're just blind." Mike said, leaving me really curious. But I decided not to ask anymore knowing it would lead to more awkward conversation. 

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