Talking It Out A Little More

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Oliver grabbed my hand. "Are you afraid of me!?" Oliver looked hurt as he held on tight to my hand. "No not you but my family, my aunt, my dad, what will they all think, and they'll hate you!" I started to hyperventilate I could feel a panic attack coming on.

Oliver pulled me in to his chest and hugged me tight. "Your eighteen, no-one can do anything about it, and I don’t care if your family hates, me they can all go get screwed. You’re the only person I care about, you’re the only thing I could ever need. Please Honey I’m begging you, give me a chance."

How could I say no to this man, this incredibly sexy and sweet man. "Wait what about my dad, I don’t want to disappoint him." Oliver was still holding me and I could hear and feel when he took a deep breath. "What if I talked to your dad would that help?"

I pulled away from Oliver. "You would do that for me, but what if he gets pissed and hurts you?" Oliver pulled me back in to his chest and placed a kiss on my head

"Trust me sweetheart he can't hurt me." Oliver kissed me on my forehead. "But I think I should wait and talk to him face to face." I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed him. Oliver deepened the kiss and before I know it was being lifted, I wrapped my legs around Oliver out of fear of being dropped and pulled away. "Oliver your hand!"

Oliver grunted "I'm fine, now kiss me." I was very much tempted to do just that but at that moment I could feel something big and hard jabbing into my inner thigh. "Oliver I don’t think that’s a good idea right now." Oliver grunted again. "Yeah I guess you got a point. Can I at least still hold you?" I stroked Oliver's jaw. "Sure if you behave."

Oliver grinned at me and started to walk over to his lazyboy. He put me down, then sat down and then he pulled me onto his lap. I was quite comfortable laying against Oliver's chest. Oliver picked up the remote to the TV "Would you mind if I watched the boxing match that’s on?" I ran my fingers over his chest. "No I don’t mind at all."

We sat in silence watching the TV for about an hour, my head was resting on Oliver's chest at some point I feel asleep. When I awoke I was still in Oliver's lap on the lazyboy.

Oliver had pulled a blanket over us and he too was asleep. Trying my best not to wake him I got off his lap and pulled the blanket up to his chest. I tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear.

He truly was a handsome man his jaw was strong and clean cut, his lips were full and soft, his nose was a little crooked from his time in the ring, his skin was a little pale but it suited him. His eye lashes is what always got my attention, that paired with his forest green eyes was enough to take my breath away.

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