Part 2

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No one POV (around an hour later than the last scene) -gym-

Cyrus strolled in to the gym and closed the door behind him only to see kira. He walked up to Tj who was talking to kira. "Hey Tj" 

"Oh hey Cyrus, on gee, I guess you didn't get my message, kira offered to help. But don t worry you can still stay." Cyrus sighed 

" What? TJ? " Tj just stared at him and shook his head "I'll head off then, I got a lot of homework to do" 

"Are you sur-"

"Yes!! I am sure!" He yelled 

" Well bye then " Cyrus strolled out feeling sad and sat on a bench near the gym just so he could watch it. 

it was over half and hour into the game and Cyrus fell asleep on the bench. The players were having a break and Tj saw him and decided to talk to him. Tj sat on the bench next to Cyrus, Cyrus head leant to the left and it landed on Tjs shoulder and her woke up with a jump.He got his things together and immediately walked off. "Cyrus! wait" said Tj running after him. 

 "I'm okay, you can go now!!!" He yelled 

 " I'm not leaving you! "

 "Please, just go!" Tj stopped just by the edge of the pavement . He began to walk away but soon after heard a loud scream. "Cyrus!" He ran down to the road and saw him passed out on the road, blood. .. Everywhere. He didn't hesitate, he carefully took Cyrus into his arms and got him to safety. He lay Cyrus down and immediately called 911. 

 "Emergency services, what service do you need?"

 " An ambulance my friend just got knocked over by a car"

 "Okay, where are you"

 "Jefferson high, near Ploghton"

 "How old are you"

 "I'm 16"

 " call his parents and we'll be there"

the call ended and Tj called Cyrus'es mom and dad and Buffy and Andi. He cradled Cyrus as close to himself as he could, he was sweating buckets and it didn't help he was in his sports kit. cyrus's mom came first, tears trickling down her long face. "What happened?!"

" I don't really know, he just stormed off and I heard a scream and now... " andi and Buffy came running to cyrus. "Tj!! How could you possibly let this happen?" shouted Buffy

 " Me let this happen?! Oh no I -"

"You nearly killed him, don't you see, sometimes you need to be considerate when others want to be alone" said andi

the ambulance came and carried Cyrus on-board. His mother went on too. Tj started to Sob. Andi and Buffy were balling at this point. "I,i" Tj started to stutter 

" I'm calling Bex to take me to the hospital " Buffy nodded and Tj frowned

"Fine! I know you care a lot About him, even though I know this is your fault"

"Its not- thank you" Andi nodded 

Save your life ~ Andi mack Tyrus fanficWhere stories live. Discover now